*TeLL mE...Mr.sAnDmAn...* Swiped from *a DuSty FaiRyTaLe* . I've been getting a lot of weird dreams lately. Nothing as eleborate as Cheryl's Hollywood dreams, but still worthy of discussion. Please translate them for me if you have the knack for it: Work-related. Kind of. I was riding pillion on my partner company's MD's bicycle. A rotund Myanmarese with a fake smile that would make any salesman jealous. It wasn't a ride in the park, mind you. Think extreme sports. In dreamland, he can really bawak that basikal . He was bouncing around and practically breakdancing with it! A more recent dream involved me being a rodent. Not "Ratatouille", but the "Mousetrap" variety. I was scurrying around, hiding under beds and cupboards. But the thing was I could see myself as a man, but others saw me as a mouse. I dreamt that two fellow bloggers put their hands down my jeans trying to guess what underpants I was wearing on that day. :P The latest epi...