
Spa-cial Moments

IMG_6256 Swiped from williamnyk . On Sunday, I had to leave KH alone in the morning since I had went out to celebrate mass with SK and my mum. To my delight, KH managed to keep busy by reading a newly-procured graphic novel, Stardust . By the time I got home, it was alreday nearly noon, and we ourselves ready to go out to The Curve. We had our lunch at Paddington's Pancake House which was featured on QueerR's blog some time ago. I give the place a thumbs up. Very good savoury pancakes. Simple, yet satisfying. I ordered the Paddington Dollars-- bite-sized pancakes with mini sausages, ham, cherry tomatoes, lettuce and guacamole. An excellent combination of pancakes, meat and greens. A hearty and healthy meal in my opinion! Unfortunately, no photos. So unlike me. For some reason, during lunch, our conversation veered towards religion and due to some misunderstanding on my part, I kinda got VERY miffed at something KH said. ( Note to self: Religion isn't quite the subject to b


Young KL Singers 5th Anniversary Concert Swiped from Matt Marzuki . As I mentioned a few posts back, KH was recently back in KL for a visit. A timely visit as I was running low on my Lover-Substitute Pills ( perhaps Janvier can swipe me some without requiring a prescription ) and was just plain horny. :P. KH was back mainly to celebrate my birthday early as it would not be possible for us to meet due to scheduling conflicts. Arriving on Friday night, SK and I picked KH up at the Sungai Besi Petronas and we ended up at Kuchai Lama for some mamak food at Kinrara Curry House . All I can say is that the nasi lemak looks nicer than it tastes. KH crashed at SK's place, but her housemate's presence kinda put a damper on KH and I's more questionable activities. Just a few stolen kisses and I had to leave... The next morning, SK, KH and I drove to Restoran Mexim for some dim sum . Supposedly famous. The other things I would recommend are the dim sum , century egg porridge

Cina Punya Cina

101 Swiped from jeansman . I swiped this excellent post from bibikNyonya . Just had to give my 2 cents-worth: 1. You unwrap gifts very carefully, so you can save and reuse the wrapping (and especially those ribbons). ~ TRUE! But not so much the ribbons. 2. When there is a sale on toilet paper, you buy 100 rolls and store them in your closet or in the bedroom of an adult child who has move out. ~ TRUE! But maybe just 2 dozens. 3. You keep a Thermos of hot water available at all times. ~ FALSE! But a thermos is a must if you're lying in a ward somewhere. 4. You save grocery bags, tin foil, and tin containers.You use the grocery bags to hold garbage. ~ TRUE! Recycle mah. 5. You hate to waste food :- a ) Even if you're totally full, if someone says they're going to throw away the leftovers on the table, you'll finish them. (Your mom will give a lecture about starving kids in Africa) ~ TRUE! Are you gonna finish that? b ) You have Tupperware in your fridge with thre

He Ain't Heavy, He's My Egg Tart

DSC00634 Swiped from williamnyk . I recently encountered the heaviest egg tarts I have ever known in my life. It was really hefty. When I held it in my hand, I practically felt like one of the Beagle Brothers with a file-filled cake. I don't know what they put in it, but the density is really astounding ( could very well be some secret process that allows them to cram five eggs into one egg tart filling ). However, that's not the only impressive thing about it-- the address of the bakery really made me look twice. Hehe. Jalan Cockman Definitely a must-visit on my next trip to Ipoh! I wonder about the cocksmanship of the people there... hmmm...

Mid-Autumn Calories

Red Red Lantern Hanging up High ~Happy Mid-Autumn Festival大紅燈籠高高掛~中秋節快樂 Swiped from Pisces Romance (Away 3 Days) . Note: This post is as stale as post-festival mooncakes with a 50% discount! For some reason, mooncakes don't do it for me anymore. There is no craving. I used to love it. Pick at the fragrant egg yolk hidden in the sweet filling. Savouring each cholesterol-laden bite. Now, I normally only eat one piece ( one eight of a mooncake ) and down it with copious amounts of hot tea. It just shuts down my digestive system. Some kind of reflex action. Maybe because today's mooncakes are too rich. The paste too smooth ( just like cakes, the moister it is, the more butter it contains, so the smoother the paste, the more oil was used ) and sweet. And the ridiculous new flavours. Fusion. East meets West. Moon Goddess meets Courtney Love. It's just plain weird. I still would prefer the traditional varieties. Make mine mild and light. Like those agar-agar mooncakes. S


Minimalist Embrace Swiped from qwurky . Dear KH is arriving today. It's been a long month without being in the presence of my significant other. I can't contain myself. To see, to hear, to taste again. Hehe. As Bill put it so eloquently, I'm gonna be sticky rice this weekend!


Photo-0189 Swiped from williamnyk . A couple of years back, The Star showcased the Shanghai Dance Troupe and one of the signature pieces was The Zebra Dance . It's kinda a ballet piece about a pair of young zebras in love. Two years later, I got the chance to catch and excerpt of it for free at E. Excel 's 20th Anniversary Celebration and Convention at Stadium Putra, Bukit Jalil. Last year's performance was more oustanding in my opinion, but let's not compare apples with oranges. If you know me well, you know that this post is not about expounding the finer points of dance and choreography, but towards something more skanky. Hehe. Trust me to pollute art. Let's get back to the Zebras-- One guy, one girl. One black, one white. Both wearing skin-tight leotards. They guy's costume was quite scandalous. Mesh running down both sides, so you can imagine that he doesn't have much choice in terms of underwear. Since I arrived late, the seat I got was right at the

Bill, Revisited

Multichromatic Beams Swiped from Reciprocity . In the course of our lives, we meet many people. Friends, acquaintances. People you just meet everyday. And it makes sense to be civil with each other. To find common ground. To build up a camaraderie. However, I have always felt that some connections we make last longer than others. Some are merely exist due to circumstances, encounters due to work commitments, study commitments. We seem to enjoy each others' company. Have fun. Talk cock. And that's just about it. We merely skirt the surface. We never talk of personal issues. Feelings. We keep that fenced off. Private. It's like we put on a mask. It never goes deeper. And so, we never REALLY know each other. It's a two way thing I guess. Sometimes we are afraid to ask. To show genuine concern. To care. And most of the times, we are afraid to tell, to appear vulnerable. Admittedly, it is difficult to open up, to find the right people to bare our soul. Trust is a di

Excellent Choice

Money Swiped from TW Collins . There are money love-hate stories about MLMs out there and I'm pretty sure among my readers here, some practically swear by the products of certain companies and some just have an aneurism when direct-selling is mentioned. From dodgy claims to over-aggressive marketing, it is not surprising that many would avoid MLM companies and their brain-washed, zombie distributors like the plague ( I have heard of friendships going awry ). To be fair, I would say that sometimes, there are genuine products out there, just that ignorant distributors sometimes get a little over-zealous when trying to convince the consumer. This scenario is especially true in cases where health products are concerned. And unfortunately, as with all MLM marketing models, the price of products must be jacked up to support the "wealth generation" structure of the organization. The pyramid. Heh. Sometimes, I wonder why the supposedly miraculous products aren't so


Star on stage Swiped from Rune T . Truth be told, I owe IkanB this meme. Then David had to tag me again. Oh well. seems simple enough. Like A, B, C. As easy as 1, 2, 3.... 4, 5. Yeah. That easy. 5 Things in My Bag Laptop Water bottle Software Installers Misc. access cards Umbrella 5 Things in My Wallet $$$ ( goes without saying ) Credit cards Identity cards Business cards List of bank account numbers 5 Things I Like Most in My Room My collection of souvenirs from around the globe My underwear drawer My porn collection My book collection My study table ( Where I, ahem, do most of my work ) 5 Things I'd Like To Try Eating fried insects Riding a bike "Switching" with KH ( tee-hee ) Rock-climbing Driving a car with automatic transmission 5 Things I'm Doing Now Waiting for KH to call Breathing Scratching my head Scratching myself Scratching this meme off my To Do list Tada!


Fish Lips Swiped from boopsie.daisy . KH has this tag, moniker-- The GodFather. Our friends call KH that because KH seems to know many people. We all get linked through KH. Like a social middle man of sorts. Sounds like a mama-san hor? But not that la. Anyway, Bill is a friend that I recently came to know through KH as well ( come to think of it, KH's the one that introduced me into the circle, so I guess most of my friends are KH's friends in the first place, but I've grown my own network these days, :P ). Seems that they visited each others' blogs. E-mailing each other back and forth, between Singapore and Washington DC. So, since KH started mentioning me on his blog, Bill also started to want to know me better. Hence, we started an electronic correspondence too. As luck would have it, Bill managed to squeeze in a trip to KL to meet the faces behind the blogs. It was a great coincidence that Jan orginized a karaoke session on the day of Bill's arrival (


Photo-0169 Swiped from williamnyk . As usual, out of the blue, DanielH messaged me that he would be in the vicinity and asked me whether I was free for tea. I obliged. He always catches me on my good days. He told that he wanted to get his hair cut before his Berlin trip the day after and that he'd be doing it a salon somewhere near OKR. Errr, I don't know the name of the place la. If you take the $1.60 highway, the one that can go Bangsar or KLCC, you can reach there direct! Huh?! Anyway, he gave me very detailed instructions after he actually reached the salon, so I was happy. :P. The place is called Blanc . And it was their official opening day. Flowers. Horribly catered food. Fab-looking guests. A Marge Simpson look alike. Relatives. Red parasol. Heavy rain and a lion dance quartet. I chatted with him for 2 hours, but he still didn't get his hair cut. I couldn't wait anymore as I had to swim, so I bid him adieu. And yeah, he finally gave me my souvenir from

Fruit Protein

Dragonfruit I (Red & White) Swiped from espion . I've not been doing a lot food posts lately. No mood? Moved on? I'm sure ThompsonB is happy about it. I'm sure my brother is happy about it. But that aside, I'm doing a semi-food post today. It depends on your definition of food. It hs a gross factor of 6.5, I think. So, if you haven't had your dinner, better skip this one. After a long day at work, I come home and read the papers. My mum offers me a juicy hemisphere of purple dragon fruit. It was so inviting. The colour vivid. So big and round ( not talking boobs here people! ) Sweet and juicy! I dug and dug at the juicy flesh. When I was nearly done, I noticed something odd near the skin. The pulp should be purple, so what is that white streak I see near the skin? Hmmmmm. Upon taking a closer look: "GAWD! It squirmed!" They were fruit worms. Fat and white. Nothing like your sago grubs, but disgusting enough. With further inspection, I found an


picture a day - white trash Swiped from less like math . Conversation I with Lex ( Lanky Lex not Lex Luthor ) of the JayLex Foundation: Lex: hahhaha. u r becoming very naughty. Moi: why le? Lex: dunno le. u r different that the william i know. hahahha. Moi: har. Lex: u have changed.... Moi: serious? Lex: where's the william i know????? Conversation II with Queer Ranter: QueerR: What's wrong with you ar? Moi: Huh? QueerR: You're like super skanky these days! Moi: Yameh? QueerR: Everyting from your mouth is sex, sex, sex. Moi: Bisasalah. (For those of you who know QueerR, to have him call me a skank has quite serious implications) It's weird. In just a span of 1 week, 2 friends have told me that I've changed for the worse. That I've slipped over to the dark side of Skankdom. They view me as sex-deprived and having a perpetually yellow-tinted mindset. A far cry from the person they knew from 2007/01/01. The quiet William. The book-ish William. The decen

Uncle HeMan II

Photo-0159 Swiped from williamnyk . Skeletor isn't back to plunge the universe back into chaos. Don't worry. Once again, I've started bumping back into Uncle HeMan . He still digs into his classics the moment he sets foot into the train car. I nearly didn't recognize him as he seems to have to dumped his hairstylist. Things are neater now, less Brady Bunch. So kids, this weeks book for The HeMan Book Club is William Faulkner's Sartone . Do me a 500 page report, then condense the bloody thing into a 20 word comment. Thanks. =)


IMG_5862 Swiped from williamnyk . Yes folks, the MIFC -- Malaysia International Fireworks Competiton, not the F*cking Convention. Was not keen to see the thing. Didn't bother to drive all the way out to Putrajaya, park dangerously by the roadside to catch the show for free. However, through a twist of fate, I was given a free ticket, as Cho couldn't make it. So, I joined SK, Kiam, HP and her little sister ( the girl calls me Uncle too! Bitch! ). Having heard of the notorious jams during the preliminaries, we arrived early to get a better spot. Well, our kiasu-ness paid off as we managed to double park by the roadside ( trudged up the hill to PICC ) and wait in the rain for two hours before enjoying a 30 minute display of money burning in the sky. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it. :P. In order to peddle their MYR3 bottled water and MYR6 Nasi Lemak, the organisers disallowed food and water to be brought into the convention center. The checkes were lax, so we still m

Book of Answers

Book of Answers Swiped from Caro's Lines . Hi all. Sorry to say that nobody got all the right answers. Clockwise from top left Pic 1: Hero, Queer As Folk, A Scanner Darkly, Amelie Pic 2: Angels in America, The Animatrix, Akira, Transamerica Pic 3: The Black Adder, Snatch, Zatoichi, Blow My free time is officially over. I'm seriously overworked.....

Movie Madness

collage2 Swiped from williamnyk . After divulging the contents of my music playlist , it is only fair that I extend it to movies and series as well. I shall be the initiator. If it catches on, Hurray! If not, your employer will thank me for not affecting productivity levels at the workplace. I know it's a bit troublesome needing to scan the pictures, edit and then upload 'em, but do play along if you have the time. Heck, you can even be a little creative and cover the movie titles with some paper and then take a pic with your camera phone. And as usual, no prize for getting all the right answers, but I might just reward somebody with a little something ...


IMG_5800 Swiped from williamnyk . Merdeka. Public holiday. What to do? Go to work?! Screw that! Go to the mall? Spare me the jams! Head to Floria Putraja 2007. A hassle-free outing with your friends and family. Left for the flower exhibition at 9 in the morning that day while other Malaysians were either still snoozing or the rest "glued" to the TV set watching the marching bands, fly by's and other equally-lame ( Floria is just a different type of lame. :P ) activities going on at Dataran Merdeka. Putrajaya's a ghost town as usual. When we reached Precint 2, we only saw a couple of Floria 2007 buntings. We didn't know where to go. Had to stop by the roadside to ask for directions from the security staff. So pathetic. No decent signage. Anyway, let me just get this over with. Hot day. Half dead flowers. Floral arrangement exhibition. Floral landscape showcase. Floral interior decoration showcase. Floral fashion expo. Flower bazaar. There were some interes

Bladis Liberamus (Thanks, Lex)

Part Four Swiped from McNeney . (Backtrack 27th August -- yeah, ancient history again!) I went swimming again last Sunday with SK, but with a little twist, a newcomer. The kid's name is Ah Zon, someone I came to know through a twist of fate on Friendster. The story goes like this-- QueerR talked about Ze Nephew. Says he shakes hands like Squidwer. I was curious. Asked to see his Friendster profile. Viewed the kid. Viewed his friends. One viewed me back AND added me as a friend. Asked the kid about it. Said it was a mistake. Thought I was some other William ( not the bloody first time ). Fine. Mistaken Identity's friend views my profile. I view back. He added me as a friend. Messaged the kid asking whether it's ANOTHER case of mistaken identity. Said he genuinely wanted to be friends. :). The kid's name's Ah Zon. A fun guy. Friendly. He can magically add 3 years to his looks by putting on spectacles. Kinda like Clark Kent. Calls me Uncle. Grrrrr. Kids these