
The Bestest Birthday

collage1 Swiped from williamnyk . As I promised in my last post , here are the details of my 27th birthday. Definitely a year to remember. The first time I celebrated my birthday with KH. The first time I felt that I was blessed with an abundance of good friends and company ( though pointedly missing JM ). This year's birthday was basically a 3-phase affair-- Pre, Exact and Post. The Pre-Birthday was celebrated with KH since that was the only suitable window for us to meet and the details can be found here . However, on the Sunday before the 9th, the bloggers also threw me a lunch party at Tony Roma's , Sunway Pyramid. A super-boisterous group of 10, though we did not have QueerR and Adrien in our midst. It was entertaining having Alvin and Sam in the group. Finally had a chance to try their ribs. Not bad really, but it really isn't very wallet-friendly. Sharing with SK, I was able to sample their BBQ chicken ( amazingly good, so Kenny Rogers can go tanam jagung ) and Blue

La La Central

Troubled Teen Swiped from CherryVega . Sungei Wang Plaza is the centre of all weirdness in KL. Everyday, it awakens and through some wicked means, it calls to all weirdness around the city. It calls its priestesses, the la la mui and its priests, the la la chai . Under the thrall of Sungei Wang, they don their robes of station to praise and worship the La La spirit. Just the other day, I was lucky enough to meet two new female initiates, Sentul Sally and Jinjang Jane . Barely of age ( but I doubt they're maidens ), they were travelling to Hang Tuah via Star LRT. Already in full riualistic vestments, they attracted every eye in the train. Unkempt, stringy hair with a high fringe -- to better receive missives from the His La La-ness. Silver eyeshadow under the eyes dripping to the middle of the cheeks -- they cry for our normalcy. Nose ring -- to signify those who are touched. Two maraccas hanging through a lanyard around the neck -- holy symbols. Petticoats -- they were


IMG_6457 Swiped from williamnyk . Perfect timing to do this meme since I just celebrated my birthday. In my family, birthdays are always celebrated. No flashy parties ( but there is photo evidence of my extravagant first birthday party. The whole neighbourhood was there and I even got a cake shaped like the numeral one. Spoiled, hor? ), but always a decent meal at home or in a restaurant somewhere if mum mogok . Presents are rare, but I sometimes get lucky ( was crazy over Lego and Garfield back then! ). Since my brother was away in boarding school, I could always count on him sending me a birthday card. Birthdays started becoming a ritualistic affair ever since I got hooked with my best buds JM and SK. We would celebrate birthdays for each other and the birthday is a must! So far, we have had many good times together and birthdays are always an excuse to splurge a little. When Is Your Birthday? 9th of October 1980. Thurday's child has far to go... so the song goes... How Old Are

The Silence

When there is nothing to say, When you're feeling down, Know that I care for you night and day, And want to reverse that frown. I know I can't be there physically for now, but do know that I'm there for you in spirit and whatever means our human mind has created. And if that still is not enough, do not cry alone in the dark. For I will cry too. For myself and for us. I wish I can tame your sorrows and mend your heart. But if I fail, I hope, I hope, I hope... that love does not fail. I wish upon you all the peace I can give you, baby.

Akum Bang

Shell of Ketupat – Happy Eid ul-Fitr 1428H Swiped from Ikhlasul Amal . "Akum abg.,ani mtk maf jgn mrh gan kak fiza lg.,ani ba yg slh kmarin..Klu nk mrh,mrhla ani.kakak n bke posa gan abg kmarin tp ani yg rosakkn plan 2.. Tp ani x sgaja..." My colleague received this due to a mistake the other day and she remarked, "What language is this?!" Pengz. She actually thought it was a foreign language. Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin to muslim friends everywhere with special dedication to Sam and Adrien. To my non-muslim friends, Apa raya-raya? Beria-ia. Puasa pun tidak! . Enjoy your holidays.... =)

Detik Bahagia

Day 95: Happy Birthday to Me. Swiped from SaylaMarz . Memes are going around the blogosphere like sniffles in flu season these days. I've been tagged thrice already! I wonder what's the blogosphere's equivalent of Vitamin C... Anyway, since I've caught Janvier's germs, might as well let it take it's course. Truth be told, I don't really think of these things, but I think Mother Theresa once said that a life that you do not reflect on is not worth living.... so here: Meeting my first love... and hopefully the last Being the late bloomer that I am, I did not have any crushes, puppy love in my teenage years. I would like to blame my parents for instilling the whole "study first, love later" mantra, but truth be told, I was just too repressed and afraid to love. When KH came into the picture, everything changed. My walls melted away. My heart finally opened. I began to "feel". Never had I known how good it felt and also how bad it h

Spa-cial Moments

IMG_6256 Swiped from williamnyk . On Sunday, I had to leave KH alone in the morning since I had went out to celebrate mass with SK and my mum. To my delight, KH managed to keep busy by reading a newly-procured graphic novel, Stardust . By the time I got home, it was alreday nearly noon, and we ourselves ready to go out to The Curve. We had our lunch at Paddington's Pancake House which was featured on QueerR's blog some time ago. I give the place a thumbs up. Very good savoury pancakes. Simple, yet satisfying. I ordered the Paddington Dollars-- bite-sized pancakes with mini sausages, ham, cherry tomatoes, lettuce and guacamole. An excellent combination of pancakes, meat and greens. A hearty and healthy meal in my opinion! Unfortunately, no photos. So unlike me. For some reason, during lunch, our conversation veered towards religion and due to some misunderstanding on my part, I kinda got VERY miffed at something KH said. ( Note to self: Religion isn't quite the subject to b