
Showing posts from July, 2007

Low Down: Inuka and Omar. Chia and Kiat

collage Swiped from williamnyk . During my first day in Singapore, didn't spend much time with my dearest as KH's boss demanded that a stupid task be completed and tickets to a play were already bought beforehand. So let's just call it bad timing. Hoewever, it wasn't a total loss as it gave me a chance to meet my long lost friends Chia and Kiat whom I had not met in 4 years. They had recently gotten married and SK and I wanted to treat them to a meal since we both couldn't make it to their wedding as it clashed with our BKK trip . We met at the Singapore Zoo and we were an hour late ( due to my zombie-ness in the last post ). By the time we arrived in Mandai, Chia and Kiat were already waiting in the KFC ( wonder what's with KFC and zoos ). Chia had woken up at 7:00am to prepare egg mayo and sardine sandwiches-- just like old times in Form 6. Brings back nice memories. It was a wet morning and we nearly abandoned our plan, but the rain let up so we did...

Low Down: The Bitch and the Prawn

Transparency Swiped from Edgar Thissen . Hi everyone. I've been real busy trying to chase my deadline lately and frankly, it ain't looking good. Sooner or later, the gauntlet is going to be thrown and someone's neck is going to be on the chopping block. A responsibility I can't shirk. My team is already working very hard and I only have myself to blame. To make things worse, an ad hoc thing has popped up and I have been given the green light to forget about my current project at the moment. Well, let's just say that it isn't a pretty distraction. I'm nearly at my wit's end. Just waiting for the final straw. Heh. Negativity aside, I'm sure there are quite a few of you ( DanielH! ) who're dying to learn about the sordid details of my 'conjugal visit' to Not-So-Sunny Singapore. I'm not one to kiss and tell, so I'll just say that I had I loads of fun down south . Heh. Some random observations about JB: Motorcycle shops open till lat...


Photo-0088 Swiped from williamnyk . An interesting bi-lingual notice I saw stuck on the side of a TNB wiring hub: WSS Ah Weng: Where's my 11 days petrol money and salary for sending your indon up / down USJ, Cheras and Sungai Besi site I'm from a national school, so my Chinese is definitely sendirian berhad . But I guess that the part in chinese is not quite talking about the same thing. Seems different. Can anyone verify this?


Photo-0104 Swiped from williamnyk . We pre-empt today's episode of "Healthy Cookin' with Richard Simmons" with a small weekend food segment. Skanky details of my SG trip delayed until further notice. :P. Guest chefs are SK and my sister. Tortilla Chip Dip SK brought back a EUR2.00 packet of Fuego Tortilla Chips, so my sister whipped up a dip that ironically costs more than the chips. Here's the recipe: Mayonaisse Cream cheese Parsley Boiled eggs Lemon juice Bits of crispy bacon Directions: Baling all together. Voila! To demonstrate a slice of her life in Germany, SK prepared us her typical breakfast. Here's the recipe: Wheat bread Cheese Tomatoes Coral lettuce Bacon Paprika-Pepperoni Salami Directions: Stack 'em all together. Voila! Trivia: She told me that she used to boil / fry the cold cuts before eating them. Kinda like cooking sashimi? Hehe. Had junk food the whole day. Satay. Durian. Leftover soup. Instant noodles. Prunes. Bak Zhang . Dragon Fruit. ...


Untitled#5 Swiped from espion . After two long months since KH departed, we finally get to meet again. I will be going down to Singapore to "improve bilateral ties". Heh. We parted in very clouded circumstances. Thunderclouds over our heads. The last time we saw each other, SK needed to whisk me to KH's side by the cover of night. The last time we touched, embraced. Looked into each other's eyes. Kissed. Since then, we had resorted to the distant crackle of voices through copper wires, strings of 1s and 0s floating through telco waves. Sweet SMS. Skanky MMS. Simple chats via IM. E-mail conversations. A rare hand-written card. A treasured letter. Some lost thoughts in the mail. Good things come to those who wait.

The Animal Farm

My New-Found Calling, And My Entry Into The Photoshop Challenge #2 Swiped from drp . KK did the impossible the other day-- he actually managed to set up a gathering with a few of my ex-coursemates from UM whom I have not seen in ages. I had thought them extinct. I got off work and had KK pick me up from Sri Petaling where we picked up Egg and Fan before heading off to The Curve to meet the rest of the rare species. Specimen I: L3 She was such a sight for sore eyes. I have not met her since I graduated in 2003. We were never that close, but she was part of the gang. Had been hiding out in Banting ever since. My expeditions never go that far. Nothing much had changed. Still the lion-maned woman I knew from years back. Specimen II: Fan The last sighting was 2 years ago at a mamak hang out in Seri Sentosa. I knew her usual watering holes, but both of us just didn't bother. She always played the busy card. Well, I guess it's true by the looks of things-- panda eyes. Alway...

Meme 8

through Swiped from _Neverletmego_ . I have been tagged again. QueerR this time. I will not bother with the rules as I always believed in buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih . So, here are some quick facts about myself: F1 KH and I are in love, but I must admit that we still have a lot to learn about each other. And I definitely have a lot more to learn about love. F2 I talk too much for my own good. I hate lulls in conversations. I have lost count of the times my mouth has gotten me into trouble. I endeavour to follow Thumper's mum's advice: "When you got nothing good to say, don't say anything at all". F3 I'm a giant mess. My mind is most cluttered thing in the world. My desktop looks like a typhoon hit it. My room is in disarray. Organize me. F4 I am on the brink of being labeled a procrastinator. Perhaps, this has something to do with F3. I'm not making the best of my time. I don't get things done as they should. I always have to force mys...

A Decade Apart

... Swiped from Tiquetonne2067 . Today is the 10th anniversary of my father's passing. I miss him so, but I loathe to admit that the years has stolen some of my memories of him. His voice doesn't ring as clearly in my mind as before. His face is partly shrouded. Is his shade slipping away? So many years.... Does he approve of who I have become today?

Last Duck in Macau

Photo-0095 Swiped from williamnyk . Wanted to try out this duck place at Sri Petaling with my di the duck enthusiast, but never got around to it. Before eyebrows are raised, the duck mentioned here is not the the Metro Tokyo Club Raphael sort, but rather the more boring roast duck rice. Walked into Chan Kong Kei (Macau) Roast Duck on a rainy Sunday afternoon and ordered some of their signature dishes, namely the Traditional Roast Duck over Noodles, Black Pepper Duck over Rice, Dumplings and Wanton in Soup. To wash it all down, I ordered a glass of boiled Haw ( Haw Flakes that Haw ). I must say that the traditional roast duck is quite good. Very fragrant and the meat is moist. Can't really say the same for the black pepper variant, but still a refreshing change from the norm. The black pepper duck is drier and crispier with loads of black pepper corns. On the first bite, you may find that the duck tastes bland, but trust me, the black pepper effect runs on a time-release ...

Pass the Test

Examinations Swiped from Giulio Riotta . KH, my significant other gave me this parable the other day: "You've done well in your STPM, and so you secured a place in university. It's now your first year and you're slacking off. Not working hard for your final exams. You may still have time to catch up, but to succeed, you must start to work hard..." No need to scratch your heads. I'm not going back to school. It has to do with a personal battle of my own. The exam is my Mother . The syallabus is the Truth . I find it real ironic that my situation is likened to that of a boyfriend being pressured into introducing the girlfriend to the parents. He loves her, but parents object to their union. Typical Sunday afternoon Hindi movie fare. But there is a difference. KH has met my mother. And the truth not only spells acceptance for KH, but for myself as well. I am still walking the path of daggers. I had somewhat forgotten. Thanks for reminding me, dear.

A Little Prayer

Ocean Streams Swiped from copeg . A little prayer for Mel and her family in this time of uncertainty. Hope her mum gets well soon and things settle down. SK's finally coming home from her long stay in Germany. Wishing her a safe journey.

Harajuku Tea

collage7 Swiped from williamnyk . I've been working on a Saturday again. And boy, it ain't pretty. The heatwave's here again ( together with the durians ) and as usual, the office is without air-conditioning. After enduring a stifling, gummy 6 hours in the office, I'm now down with a low grade headache. Ugh. Out of the blue, DanielH called me for a meet up and I agreed. Lucky for me to catch him as it was his first off day in a month. He picked me up from Taman Bahagia LRT and we proceeded to The Teapot Place at SS2 after a fruitless discussion on a venue. I'm a Libran, so sue me. :P. A quaint place. No points for guessing that they serve specialty teas there. The interior is very English and woody, with most of the wall space taken up by shelves and shelves of teapots. Shaped like houses, dinner tables, sewing machines, castles, clocks, modern teapots, antique teapots, oriental teapots, mini teapots, you name it, they have it. They even have a teapot mosa...

So Young, So Stupid

Hungarians can't get it up so they take ice cream Swiped from Hanan Cohen . Out of the blue, I received this sms from +60162066131: SO YOUNG is so good. Makan kesihatan untuk lelaki. Isteri pasti gembira. Tiada side effect. Ajen dikehendaki. call 03-4294 6436 cik Rozi / Angel What the f*ck?! Anyway, feel free to call the numbers. Might help in the bedroom and you might earn some extra income. If your partner experiences multiple orgasms from using it, don't forget to drop a testimonial or a thank you card. If you go blind or get a permanent woody that won't go down, you have yourself to blame. Caveat Emptor . I should stop writing my phone number at the back of toilet doors.

Passing Fixation

3 Swiped from . Have you ever had a fixation on something or someone that you saw in passing? The lack of information would make your mind work overtime to conjure up a perfect picture and you would be desperately pining for it. Wondering about the possibilities. No rest until you pursue it. Case I: Walking pass a clothing store, you see a shirt in the display window that catches your eye. From afar, it looks nice, cool. But due to some time constraints, you would have to walk away without scrutinizing it. Back home, that particular item of clothing would play in your mind, like an itch deep in your nether regions that wouldn't go away. You would obssess about it, telling yourself that you should have bought it and it would've looked nice in it. So, when you finally break and surrender to temptation, you would rush back to the store with a serious intent of buying the shirt, hoping that it's still available. Upon examining the garment and perhaps tryng it on...

People Die, Buildings Collapse

Had a scare today. One of my more useful colleague tendered in his resignation today. Though he was scheduled to leave for another project anyway, his departure from the company would be a loss to the companys technical expertise pool. The news caused a panic. My technical manager initiated damage control and got me in to gauge the impact. Not to say the person is so indispensible, but the timing is really off. Fires are burning everywhere, things are at its most critical. It would be a pain to train up a replacement on such short notice. A few discussions later, the fellow decides to stay. He cited money problems as the main reason to leave. Does this mean he was given a counteroffer? I was told no. It is ironic in my company that people who want to travel, means more money are not given the chance, but those who do, hate it. And people leave because of it. It is just plain stupid. Will HR ever learn? Will they listen? Such a mismatch. Such mismanagement. Sigh.


OSB Swiped from williamnyk . When I first met DanielH , I had noticed the cool tattoo at the back of his neck. He told me that it was the Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti , or in other words, The Cross St. Benedict . He said it was suppose to protect him from evil. After doing some reasearch on the internet, I found it to be the image at the back of the Jubilee Medal ex Montecasino which was forged 1400 years after the birth of St. Benedict. The medallion is used to ward off evil as the abbreviations are phrases normally used in exorcism rites. Vade retro Satana! Nunquam suade mihi vana! Sunt mala quae libas. Ipse venena bibas! Begone Satan! Never tempt me with your vanities! What you offer me is evil. Drink the poison yourself! From my research, I also came across the website and found them selling button badges with image of the bronze medallion. On a whim, I bought two of 'em and after 14 days or so, my package arrived from the US. It took faster than my lett...

Doubting Thomas

Your Ships come In ! Swiped from blumontheweb . A late bloomer. Something that I have tagged myself with, especially in realm of relationships and love. I wouldn't blame it on my parents, but sometimes I do wonder whether their displeasure of teenage "love" had anything to do with it. "You can start dating after you finish your studies." Does this sound familiar? Most parents use the exact same line. Most children don't give a shit. Unfortunately, I was born with the obedience gene, where one is biologically unable to resist parental commands. Or perhaps I was just a loser. Heh. Anyway, I now know and admit that my late venture into love is deeply rooted in my psyche and I guess it has now only started to unravel. But that's for another time to kupas . As usual, my introduction has now passed the threshold from "sligtly long-winded" to "draggy", so I'll just get to the point. I hooked up with my Significant Other, KH at t...