

Finn Peters @ the Polish Club Birmingham, October 11th. 2008 Swiped from Garry Corbett . Staleness Factor: 6/5. Before blogging about my own birthday, must get this out of the way first! Celebrated Janvier's boyfriend's ( Lam Lam ) birthday at Alexis, Great Eastern Mall some Saturdays ago. Mum was off gallivanting in Johor, travelling around Bukit Tinggi, Kulai and Muar with her posse, so I had a little more freedom. Anyway, Lam Lam is a difficult person to shop for. I don't really know what he likes. Even contemplated buying him a buku latihan matematik ! Had to resort to calling Janvier for some pointers. Finally settled on a bedsheet and an Esprit t. It was a surprise party that started an hour late due to logistics and traffic problems. But never mind, we started the reverie without the star anyway. Wine and cocktails were poured. It was fun seeing Alex getting all playful and loud, while even the most composed JL showed some interesting change after a Long Isl


The dreaded showdown between my General Manager and a Project Director did not materialize. If the Project Director turned up, it would have been a clash of titanic proportions. My GM was visibly agitated with all the accusations hurled at us. For all these years, I have never seen him raise his voice. Today, he was nearly shouting at the Project Manager and he seemed to have a wild look in his eyes. However, his thoughts were clear on the matter. If we cannot work together and keep on arguing about ownership, then I will just walk out of the project. I have better things to deal with. The truth of the matter is, the partner that we have been working with for so many long years are very uncooperative. A dinosaur that refuses to change but is adamant for others to fit their archaic ways. Musuh dalam selimut. Sigh. It is not surprising that so far two vendors have failed to work with them. Walk away. Ah, what a prospect.


Yes folks, I will be turning 28 tomorrow. The chinese love this number because it sounds like EASY RICH. However, it can also mean EASY FAT. I hope it will be the former for me, NOT the latter. Unfortunately, my birthday coincides with a dark time in my working life. Not quite in the mood to celebrate it really, but celebrate it I will. My wish list is not updated, so you can all just do me a funds transfer. Thanks. Muacks in advance.

Buka Puasa

DNA Swiped from williamnyk . Staleness Factor: 6/5 => A blast from the past! Whenever KH comes back to KL, it is usually a juggling act of priorities. He has to plan time for me and his family. Ditto for me. Sometimes, scheduling is easy. At other times, clashes may happen and we have to accept the disappointment. Fortunately, his recent trip was very fruitful as I managed to occupy 50% of his time in KL. For 3 days in a row, we got to be together and it felt good ( his mother grumbled, "Seeing HIM again ah?" ). On Saturday, after work ( I got an earful from my boss at 9:00am, but more of that in a dedicated post ), SK and I went to pick him up at his home and sat down to lunch at Capri Dessert , Seri Petaling. Had an interesting meal of Claypot Rice with Stewed Ribs and Lotus Root. Also had their Fried Seawood Roll that actually looked like mini mussels after it was sliced. Dropped SK off at her home before proceeding to Amcorp Mall. I bought "A Thousand Pie

LRT Observations 1

Someone walks toward the turnstile. He stops halfway to fumble for his stored value ticket but does not find it. People in that situation normally do not realise that they are obstructing traffic. Please move to one side. Someone walks to the turnstile and inserts his ticket. It fails to turn. He backs up and steps on someone's toes. We normally forget that someone is behind us. So please look first. And please don't tailgate. This community service message is in no way sponsored by RapidKL.


For those of you of who are not familiar with the Cantonese dialect, FFK is an abbreviation of fong fei kei, that literally means to release an aeroplane. It sounds similar to another phrase that is close to my heart, ta fei kei. That means spank the aeroplane which corresponds to Englishs spank the monkey. But that is another topic for another time. Back to our original story of FFK. This phrase means to not honour an appointment. To not come when you earlier agreed to. When it is a group thing, I really do not bother too much as less people equals more intimacy, but it is in bad taste to FFK if there are reservations involved. Worse still are people who organize the thing but FFK instead. I really do not know what to say at times. Another wondrous example are also people who do not inform you that they will FFK, but rather drop the bomb on you after you go looking for them. This Syawal month, i take the opportunity to apologise to everyone that I had FFKed.

Look At Yourself

When peeing at the urinal, some people like to look away, stare at the ceiling or something. On the other hand, some like to take a better aim at actually keep their eyes trained on the "little fireman". So for those of us who like to look, all we can get is usually the bird's eye view. However, an alternative is available at Neway BTS. Along the row of urinals is a mirror right above it, running unhindered from one end to the other. You can look at yourself pee from a frontal view and more interestingly, minimal effort is required to look at the person beside you pee (or maybe even several people). Hehe.   I wonder what the real rationale for the mirror is....


About a month ago, three newbies were assigned to my team. Neither of them had any English names. I encouraged them to choose one of their own to make things easier. Since they were reluctant, I christened one of the girls Monica and that name has stuck till today. Am I an evil team leader, or what.

Dream Sequence 4

Is it considered cheating on KH if I had a vivid dream of doing skanky things with a cute guy in my room. I remember quite a few details and I even recall him having kohl in his eyes ala Captain Jack Sparrow. No wetness from the dream though. Heh. Give me your thoughts, people.

It is Black, It is White

The last time I wore a white long sleeve shirt with black slacks, my colleague remarked Kerja kat Jusco ke? What an insult. Learning from that experience, I avoided the said combination like the plague. Continuing my story, the other day, I wore a white short sleeve linen shirt with grey pants and I immediately got this You look like a school boy. Celaka. But as always, think of the positive. Means I still can exude youthfullness. hehe. What can I do with my white shirts?

Dream Sequence 3

Since my father passed on in 97, I can count the times I had dreamt of him on one hand. This is the third dream. By far the clearest dream I had of him. His presence and face was quite real. In the dream, my dad brought me on a foodie trip. Jalan jalan cari makan la katakan. Our first stop was a famous fried mee hoon with a generous helping of vegetables an seafood. Next was a sinful cendol with lots of coconut milk. Somewhere in between the food reviews came a subplot ala Supernatural where an evil spirit was trying to ruin somebodys life by chipping away at his soul. Random giler. Time to buy 4D perhaps. Miss ya, dad.

All the Time in the World

The STAR LRT is back to normal today. No indication of yesterdays accident perhaps for maybe some overzealousness in jamming on the brakes. Yes, we should all slow down a bit and enjoy the journey rather than rushing about to the destination only to find disaster awaiting. I was having dinner at a hawker stall outside my office when I caught sight of a guy who seemed to have all the time in the world. It was like taichi. Every scoop of rice took 30 seconds to find its way to his mouth. He would stare at the traffic. Pause, with spoon in midair. After the rice, he slowly pored over the menu, quietly consulting the waiter on what was good. A plate of fried chicken came later and he did not acknowledge its arrival. He puffed away on his ciggie before having his first bite. Finishing that, he sippede his coke. After meticulously wiping his hands, he left. Amazing, right. And you know what. He is cute. haha.

Out of Service

For some unknown reason, the STAR LRT ended its service at Tasik Selatan this evening. They did not have the courtesy of informing passangers upstream that they would be unable to travel to the terminal station at Sri Petaling. The announcement only came when train abruptly stopped at Tasik Selatan. Passengers were subsequently told to cram into RapidKL buses to continue their journey. The scene at the station was hecticas cars were jamming into the station and people were running around looking for their connecting buses. Everyone was caught off guard. The PA system kept on announcing that the train would be out of service until 2330, that is the service closure time. Just announce that it would be closed for the day, who cares about whether it closes at 2330 or 2345. It is the same to the stranded commuters. We apologive for the inconvenience... my foot.

Death of an Appliance

Woe is me. My tv of more than ten years is on the blink. A Sony 25 inch, a generation behind flat screen tvs. I remember going to the neighbourhood electricl shop with my late father to pick it up. I still have the free t. rex alarm clock that came with it. It roared me awake for years. People around me have been asking me to upgrade. To go LCD. To go Plasma. I shall not write it off without getting the professionals to appraise the situation. For the time being, my tv just turns on for a few seconds before shutting down in white flash. If its mood is good, it will let me watch for a couple of hours. But that is getting rarer. Pray for my tv, guys and girls. Or pray that I will hit 4D and be able to before a Plasma tv. Haha.

Temper, Temper

I have been getting complaints from KH lately regarding my foul mood. Caring and manja tones can very quickly transform into lack of response and annoyance. My MCP would quickly try to placate me and turn my frown around. What is wrong? Are you ok? Nothing. It is nothing. I hear the soothing words, but it sometimes just does not register. It just feeds my anger. I do not know why I get annoyed at the smallest of things with him at times. It is so unfair to say that it is because I love him. Perhaps I subconsciously do it to get his attention. Perhaps it is sent up stress from work. Either way, I definitely need to cool myself down and show the proper respect for the person I love. Sorry, baby. I love you.

Bollywood Engagement

collageMelEngage Swiped from williamnyk . Staleness Factor: 5/5 Some weekends back, Mel, my oldest friend from my Uni Perdana GPL ( Goreng Pisang and Lekor ) times got engaged to her boyfriend, BB. Was truly happy for her, because I had been through all the ups and downs with her. A veritable minefield of race ( Mel's Indian, whereas BB's Punjabi ), religion ( Mel's Roman Catholic, while BB's a Sikh ), in-laws and ex's. The happy occassion was very low-key with just BB's relatives, Mel's immediate family and a few select friends ( score! ). It was held at her new home in Kajang, so it was also kind of a house-warming too. Nobody knew how to get thee, so SK, my mum and I waited for her to guide us in. Due to unforeseen circumstances, she got delayed, so we killed time at the nearby Tesco. We were so over-dressed! By the time we got there, we were already late. Most of the guests had arrived by the time we walked in with the ritual gifts ( clothes, f

Straight Answer

When dealing with clients, it is usual not to overcommit to lessen the scope of work and avoid possible problems that cannot be overcome in the project timeline. Experienced marketing executives normally beat around the bush to confuse clients who are not too sharp. Even the terms used are usually guarded and noncommittal, for example IN A WAY and INDIRECTLY, YES. Recently I have been hearing a lot of these phrases from my project coordinator. It is down right annoying to be used in internal discussions. If we cannot even give each other a straight answer, how are we going to deliver a coherent product? Can you finish the development on time? I think I will just answer, IN A WAY.

Dream Sequence 2

I have been going into overdrive my REM sleep these days. Dreams come easily and are obviously influenced by current events. Dreamt that I was an ADUN for Penang and that I was having a meeting with my boss, Lim Guan Eng. Strangely, his face was clear. The impression I got was that he was a real jerk of a superior. Haha. Jaded Jeremy hypothesised that the dream came about from the chat I had with him regarding senatorship. Claims that I subconsciously want to enter politics. A remote possibility. But I would not mind having cute interns around me if that reality materialised. Hehe.

A Whole New World

borneo-36 Swiped from dlumenta . Staleness Factor: 5/5 Made it a point to go to QueerR's farewell many Saturdays ago. My object was 3-fold: To send off one of the pioneer members of my alternate friends group To raid his 32GB of PSP games ( forgot to raid his 70GB of porn ) To catch up with the gang at one go ( specifically Takashi and Jase ) Quite an interesting affair. It was a potluck, but SK and I were at risk of turning up with 4 sikat of bananas. Tried our luck at Great Eastern Mall. Left the place with 2 roasted chickens and a delicious bread maki from Riche Montana to alas perut . Being already 30 minutes late, we still made it as the 2nd batch of guests to arrive. As the guests arrived, the dining table was filled with skewered chicken, roti jala and the accompanying chicken curry, fried rice vermicelli, shepherd's pie, tomato beef stew, potato-tuna-egg-mayo salad ( a mouthful, this ), nachos with taco sauce and a bucket of KFC. Entertainment was provided b

Dream Sequence 1

Unlike SK, my dreams rarely turn out like Hollywood Blockbuster action movies. The special effects are limited as the overall feel of the dream comes from feelings and impression. I usually only remember little snippets, but this time there is a little more plot. I dreamt that a taxi driver fell in love with me. Not an uncle, mind you, but a young chap. From the impression I got, I had been on his taxi a few times and we knew a bit about each other. In my dream, he suddenly confessed his feelings for me with a pair of cobalt earrings. I remember him vaguely telling me that there is a significance to it, but I cannot put my finger on it now. He kissed me in drin of my porch. I was so freaked out as my mum was watering the plants. But it turns out that she did not see anything. Suddenly, the scene changed and I was backstage at a school performance. Four teams duking it out on stage. Weird? I cannot explain it.