
Temper, Temper

I have been getting complaints from KH lately regarding my foul mood. Caring and manja tones can very quickly transform into lack of response and annoyance. My MCP would quickly try to placate me and turn my frown around. What is wrong? Are you ok? Nothing. It is nothing. I hear the soothing words, but it sometimes just does not register. It just feeds my anger. I do not know why I get annoyed at the smallest of things with him at times. It is so unfair to say that it is because I love him. Perhaps I subconsciously do it to get his attention. Perhaps it is sent up stress from work. Either way, I definitely need to cool myself down and show the proper respect for the person I love. Sorry, baby. I love you.

Bollywood Engagement

collageMelEngage Swiped from williamnyk . Staleness Factor: 5/5 Some weekends back, Mel, my oldest friend from my Uni Perdana GPL ( Goreng Pisang and Lekor ) times got engaged to her boyfriend, BB. Was truly happy for her, because I had been through all the ups and downs with her. A veritable minefield of race ( Mel's Indian, whereas BB's Punjabi ), religion ( Mel's Roman Catholic, while BB's a Sikh ), in-laws and ex's. The happy occassion was very low-key with just BB's relatives, Mel's immediate family and a few select friends ( score! ). It was held at her new home in Kajang, so it was also kind of a house-warming too. Nobody knew how to get thee, so SK, my mum and I waited for her to guide us in. Due to unforeseen circumstances, she got delayed, so we killed time at the nearby Tesco. We were so over-dressed! By the time we got there, we were already late. Most of the guests had arrived by the time we walked in with the ritual gifts ( clothes, f

Straight Answer

When dealing with clients, it is usual not to overcommit to lessen the scope of work and avoid possible problems that cannot be overcome in the project timeline. Experienced marketing executives normally beat around the bush to confuse clients who are not too sharp. Even the terms used are usually guarded and noncommittal, for example IN A WAY and INDIRECTLY, YES. Recently I have been hearing a lot of these phrases from my project coordinator. It is down right annoying to be used in internal discussions. If we cannot even give each other a straight answer, how are we going to deliver a coherent product? Can you finish the development on time? I think I will just answer, IN A WAY.

Dream Sequence 2

I have been going into overdrive my REM sleep these days. Dreams come easily and are obviously influenced by current events. Dreamt that I was an ADUN for Penang and that I was having a meeting with my boss, Lim Guan Eng. Strangely, his face was clear. The impression I got was that he was a real jerk of a superior. Haha. Jaded Jeremy hypothesised that the dream came about from the chat I had with him regarding senatorship. Claims that I subconsciously want to enter politics. A remote possibility. But I would not mind having cute interns around me if that reality materialised. Hehe.

A Whole New World

borneo-36 Swiped from dlumenta . Staleness Factor: 5/5 Made it a point to go to QueerR's farewell many Saturdays ago. My object was 3-fold: To send off one of the pioneer members of my alternate friends group To raid his 32GB of PSP games ( forgot to raid his 70GB of porn ) To catch up with the gang at one go ( specifically Takashi and Jase ) Quite an interesting affair. It was a potluck, but SK and I were at risk of turning up with 4 sikat of bananas. Tried our luck at Great Eastern Mall. Left the place with 2 roasted chickens and a delicious bread maki from Riche Montana to alas perut . Being already 30 minutes late, we still made it as the 2nd batch of guests to arrive. As the guests arrived, the dining table was filled with skewered chicken, roti jala and the accompanying chicken curry, fried rice vermicelli, shepherd's pie, tomato beef stew, potato-tuna-egg-mayo salad ( a mouthful, this ), nachos with taco sauce and a bucket of KFC. Entertainment was provided b

Dream Sequence 1

Unlike SK, my dreams rarely turn out like Hollywood Blockbuster action movies. The special effects are limited as the overall feel of the dream comes from feelings and impression. I usually only remember little snippets, but this time there is a little more plot. I dreamt that a taxi driver fell in love with me. Not an uncle, mind you, but a young chap. From the impression I got, I had been on his taxi a few times and we knew a bit about each other. In my dream, he suddenly confessed his feelings for me with a pair of cobalt earrings. I remember him vaguely telling me that there is a significance to it, but I cannot put my finger on it now. He kissed me in drin of my porch. I was so freaked out as my mum was watering the plants. But it turns out that she did not see anything. Suddenly, the scene changed and I was backstage at a school performance. Four teams duking it out on stage. Weird? I cannot explain it.

Long Time No See

An old friend of mine will be arriving in the country tomorrow. We go way back. I have known him since I was 13. We had many good times together and also moments of conflict. But that is just usual in any healthy relationship. We have many things in common and it made us brothers. However, his decision to leave the country for greener pastures did make us drift apart, and I notice that we are different people now. With him coming home tomorrow, it will be like getting to him all over again. And I pray that the journey would not be too difficult. Welcome back, Ryan.