Shit For Brains

oranges to lemons by williamnyk
oranges to lemons, swiped from williamnyk on Flickr.

Once in a while, one gets to see something interesting at the market. I was checking out a bad boy twink (BBT) who was manning a women's clothing stall at the OUG market when suddenly he was confronted by an old lady (OL). The following explosive conversation ensued:

OL: Hey, shit for brains! I'm talking to you!

BBT: What?!

OL: Dye your hair until so yellow for what?! And so long! Doesn't look like hair, looks like pussy hair!

BBT: ...

OL: So you got a stay-in or not?

BBT: What's a stay-in?

OL: If polite ma say stay-in lo, not polite ma co-habitating slut lo!

BBT: ...

OL: Girls nowadays all useless de. Dunno how to cool and clean. Also shit for brains.

The attacks were unrelenting and I was surprised the kid didn't lose his head. Weird. And the old lady's vocabulary could make an Olympic medal-winning whore blush. To avoid being caught in the crossfire, I quickly moved along!

sexy legs

Bad Boy


Twilight Man said…
How do you rate legs as sexy?? Wanna see mine?
Vincent~ said…
wao..... i cant imagine my grandma doing tat... hmm....
Gratitude said…
Gosh this scene could be incorporated into a cougar porn! :s
William said…
Hahaha. Post them after you ask your wife to wax 'em!

Not if your grandma is a retired triad leader XD

Ash Godiva said…
my grandma should compete with this OL

village slut @"public toilet":
bila anak kau si xyx tu nak kahwin?

grandma:suka hati bila dia nak kahwin.ada dia raba pan@#% kau?!!

well who tell her to ask that repeatedly?haha
William said…
Fuiyoh! Hebat!

I think he was enjoying the banter :P

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