Boating in the Rain
A conversation with DanielH got me thinking about the rain... Nowadays when it rains, we immediately frown and think about traffic jams. When I was little, the rain was much more welcome. During the monsoon period in the East Coast, the rains would come frequently. It would be cool and I remember that my siblings and I would take the chance to slip into yukata-like robes that my mum sewed. Sometimes, when the rain let up a little, we would wear clogs and venture out onto the grass (the amazing smell of rain on the grass), purposely stepping into the puddles. And most of the time, the rains would cause flash floods. My old house had the front door cemented up a bit to avoid flood waters from flowing in. However, the toilet would still get flooded and the poo would escape their dark prison. ;). To pass the time, my siblings and I would fold paper boats out of waxed paper and see them float off. A constant source of entertainment for us. And during the long drives to Teluk Intan from Kuantan (a good seven hours navigating the trunk roads), the rain would also keep me occupied. I would be lying down on the seat, watching how the droplets of water combine and flow down the window... and in the process gather more droplets. Even the windscreen wiper was interesting. Amazing what stories my mind could cook up seeing the water being wiped off the glass. The squeeze of boredom! Haha. So when you hear the pitter-patter of the rain on your window, try to relive your childhood moments and share what comes to mind.
nice post.
Watching it sink is also fun!
Haha. It's cool right? Kinda like meteors.
No more...
Haha. You want more sun?
I don't have the experience of playing football in the rain though. XD
Haha. And your comforter.
Ah.. the effect of the wind.
Mushroomy? Interesting adjective to use.
Flee upstairs! That's quite serious.