White Walls

Sunday started with a bit of a snag. Mum was a tad crabby, but I kept my cool. Turns out later it's because she was feeling a bit bloated. Goodness. Women! Went to church a usual and had lunch at Restoran 747 again. This time round, we supplemented our meal with roast pork too. Delicious. Thank goodness the shop wasn't as stuffy as it used to be. Another stall had closed down and that mean more space for the wanton mee customers. Goodie. Kelana Jaya was already halfway to Mutiara Damansara, so we braved the jam to IKEA. SK wanted to get some stuff for her new apartment. With her, everything seems to be "white, white, white"! Did some walking around the flea market at The Curve after that. Such a coincidence bumping into the PLU couple that I saw at the lighting shop the other day. The guy recognized me and I gave him my 40W half-smile. The weather was fine, so I went for a swim, while SK used the gym facilities. I noticed that the stupid tiles in the pool were so rough that they pulled some of the nylon fibers from my Aussiebum trunks when I lean on the wall! Boo-hoo! Oh well, a good excuse to buy more swim trunks! LOL. Just a short report this time. Tidak melebihi 800 patah perkataan. Hehe. Have a good weekend y'all!


Skyhawk said…
Aiya...why your Assiebum trunk tak koyak? lol! Have a nice weekend.
cYiD said…
yay SK, let's turn the world white!
hehe ;p
Pike-chan said…
Eh.... there got roast pork one ah? From which stall?
Cheryl said…
yay... i like white.. just like lo. and other things sharp like red sofa, all stainless steel utensils, dustbin... wooooohooo. nice!
Medie007 said…
what happened after that 4D smile?
Pranny said…
LOl, what's that 40W of smile... Got sot until him anot? hahahhaa
nicky05 said…
scary. Go someone's hse with all whites. Nanti ada stain kena marah.
Jaded Jeremy said…
White will show dirt much easily.
plainjoe said…
White makes cleaning so much easier.

*OCD strikes* ><
Danny said…
i love WHITE too.. 70% of the items on my living room are in white...:))
suci gituuu ;p
Lucas said…
I'm afraid of white stuff... coz they get dirty very easy. oh and Will... why only a half-smile? LoL
Kris said…
oh your blog template changed too now!!! I extremely like white modern looking styles, it looks fresh to me =)
fufu said…
roast pork.....argh.... drooling!!!
Antinous said…
<3 that white room! can't wait for your housewarming!!!
William said…
If my trunks koyak, my ass also mungkin kotak dy!

The Bleach Brothers?

Got ah... the famous stall lo.


Haha. Just some eye contact. What do you expect?

That was not a smile. More a lop-sided grin.

I takut you main krayon.

Yup. The drawback.

I'll make sure you'll make a detour at my place during your trips down.

Suci? I suka! ROTFL.

I don't want the BF to belasah me!

I changed the template a couple of months ago. What does your room look like?

None in Brazil?

How about white undies? :P. Will let everyone know once its ready.
Derek said…
Can give you trunks if you want. I also got a few le hehe

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