Singaporean Sweethearts IV: Dull Dim Sum, Vampineze and the Clover Church
We were supposed to wake up at 8:15am to get ready for the 9:30am mass at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Tampines, but I kind of overslept. KH's alarm did not register in my mind at all and when he tried to wake me (I suspect he wasn't trying too hard, :P), I just kinda brushed it off. By the time I wiped the sleep from my eyes, it was already too late, so we decided on the sunset mass instead. Since I get to "cleanse my sins" later (as JJ likes to say), we had some morning sinnin'. Brunch was with Nic, C-Mon, Den and JJ at Crystal Jade Kitchen, Tampines One. Horrible. It was just horrible. The egg tarts were bad. The siew mai disintegrated on contact with my chopstick. The ha kau's skin did not taste right. The wu kok had a flour-y aftertaste. The char siew bao couldn't make it. The chu cheong fun did not come with the proper sauce. And when I asked for chilli sauce, they gave me Maggi! :S. I was only satisfied with the phoenix claws. Banned!!! And when we paid the bill, the auntie waitresses commented about our matching rings. You can read the detailed account here.
Shopped for Janvier's birthday gift after that and stopped by at TeaDot with KH, Nic and JJ. A nice place to relax and enjoy a cup of fusion tea. I ordered the Violet Dream-- Earl Gret tea with bergamot and a dash of lavendar. Quite refreshing. Camwhored a bit and chatted with the guys. Nic told an interesting story about funerals and spirit mediums. :S. Having killed enough time, KH, JJ and I went to the cinema to watch "Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant". Entertaining and funny. I quite like the style. Can anyone tell me the song that plays when Darren picks up the "Cirque du Freak" poster at the start of the movie?
Went back home after that. Had some hazelnut chocolate ice cream compliments of JJ. Rested a while before going out for the mass. The church was really unique. It has a giant clover on its insignia. And the church is actually located on the 3rd floor! And instead of a crucified Jesus, we see Him in pose reaching up to the Heavens. A deviation from the norm. KH did not roll his eyes during mass this time (not that I detected!), but he did tell me that he was exasperated with the priest's speech. A runaway train in first 70% of the sentence, then suddenly stop like he hit a brick wall. During the Prayer of the Faithful, they did generally pray about the situation in Malaysia. But it was over before we knew it and he did not throw a tantrum. Hehe. And you know what, it was jammed going down the stairs and the elevators. I cannot imagine how it would be in an emergency. Bad design.
We took a nice walk on the breezy evening (even found the chance to hold hands) to the main road and took the bus down to East Point Mall for dinner at Eightheen Chefs. I had a cheese-baked rice with minced beef and bird eye chillies. I was breathing fire on the first bite! On our walk back home, JJ treated us to Osmanthus Bubble Tea. Thanks! At home, we showered and I did the Kose White Mask with KH. We painted each others' face with the black stuff. Our faces ended up like the Rorsharch Blot Test. Hehe. Can't belive it was already the last night of my trip....
Went back home after that. Had some hazelnut chocolate ice cream compliments of JJ. Rested a while before going out for the mass. The church was really unique. It has a giant clover on its insignia. And the church is actually located on the 3rd floor! And instead of a crucified Jesus, we see Him in pose reaching up to the Heavens. A deviation from the norm. KH did not roll his eyes during mass this time (not that I detected!), but he did tell me that he was exasperated with the priest's speech. A runaway train in first 70% of the sentence, then suddenly stop like he hit a brick wall. During the Prayer of the Faithful, they did generally pray about the situation in Malaysia. But it was over before we knew it and he did not throw a tantrum. Hehe. And you know what, it was jammed going down the stairs and the elevators. I cannot imagine how it would be in an emergency. Bad design.
We took a nice walk on the breezy evening (even found the chance to hold hands) to the main road and took the bus down to East Point Mall for dinner at Eightheen Chefs. I had a cheese-baked rice with minced beef and bird eye chillies. I was breathing fire on the first bite! On our walk back home, JJ treated us to Osmanthus Bubble Tea. Thanks! At home, we showered and I did the Kose White Mask with KH. We painted each others' face with the black stuff. Our faces ended up like the Rorsharch Blot Test. Hehe. Can't belive it was already the last night of my trip....
Next time i bring u to Lei Garden or Crystal Jade Palace OK? Blek.
Can be blur from skanking also ma. :P Yes, yes, somewhere better! Thanks. :D
The Alternative Singapore. :P
He politely declined.