A Threesome
In my whole life, there're only two friends that I would call kindred spirits-- SK and Ryan. The threads of our lives started intertwining while we were Kuantan and have continued to do so ever since. When I was 13, I entered a boys school (a great melting pot of twink meat) in town and met Ryan. We were inseparable. Through thick and thin. All sorts of squabbles and fun. So how does SK come in the equation? Well, she was no Mulan, but was at a girls school across town (Janvier must be going, I KNEW IT!). Ryan knew her from his primary school days. Their relationship could be best described as low luen kwat tau (bones mixed together). Means they were at constantly at loggerheads. Hehe. Anyway, SK first met me when I was in secondary 5 I think. Competed in a Scrabble contest that I loss horribly in. According to her, her classmates had dragged her out cause boys had come to their school (*rolls eyes*).
Things actually started rolling when all three of us ended up in the same class in Lower 6. For some uncanny reason, we gravitated towards each other and formed a clique with 3 other girls (one of 'em, Peng, is SK's housemate). Kinda like the outcasts. The non-conformists. She drove me to chemistry tuition. And she was the talk of the class with her gravel-spraying wheels. We would skip extra classes together and go have curry mee at the beach. Come university, SK and Ryan ended up in UKM, while I was in UM. Although they were staying in Bangi and I in OUG, they would always take the opportunity to look me up. Sometimes I would stay over at their hostel. We would go out for hokkien mee and hang out in the malls. Our relationships grew very close. The pattern of the weave grew clear. There were so many things going on. So much shit to handle. And we were all there together to face it. We were each other's agony aunt.
Now, Ryan is in Germany, happily pursuing the life and freedom that he wanted (but this does not mean that we have lost touch). And that leaves SK and me over here in KL. She's very much a fixture in my life. I see her more than KH! In every important moment in my life, she is there. Every little bit of help, she offers. I consider myself very blessed to have her. In many ways, we are more like family than friends. Hence, the Dear Programme is not so superficial as some may think. I shall take this opportunity to thank her for organizing my super early surprise party (after she complained that I did not, :P) and all the countless other things that I take for granted! Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah! SK and Ryan got me a gold chain (even with the jaw-dropping price of gold these days) so that I can finally wear my gold cross that Mel (another dear friend from university) gave to me on the occasion of my baptism in 2006. **Muacks**
Hugs and kisses,
Things actually started rolling when all three of us ended up in the same class in Lower 6. For some uncanny reason, we gravitated towards each other and formed a clique with 3 other girls (one of 'em, Peng, is SK's housemate). Kinda like the outcasts. The non-conformists. She drove me to chemistry tuition. And she was the talk of the class with her gravel-spraying wheels. We would skip extra classes together and go have curry mee at the beach. Come university, SK and Ryan ended up in UKM, while I was in UM. Although they were staying in Bangi and I in OUG, they would always take the opportunity to look me up. Sometimes I would stay over at their hostel. We would go out for hokkien mee and hang out in the malls. Our relationships grew very close. The pattern of the weave grew clear. There were so many things going on. So much shit to handle. And we were all there together to face it. We were each other's agony aunt.
Now, Ryan is in Germany, happily pursuing the life and freedom that he wanted (but this does not mean that we have lost touch). And that leaves SK and me over here in KL. She's very much a fixture in my life. I see her more than KH! In every important moment in my life, she is there. Every little bit of help, she offers. I consider myself very blessed to have her. In many ways, we are more like family than friends. Hence, the Dear Programme is not so superficial as some may think. I shall take this opportunity to thank her for organizing my super early surprise party (after she complained that I did not, :P) and all the countless other things that I take for granted! Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah! SK and Ryan got me a gold chain (even with the jaw-dropping price of gold these days) so that I can finally wear my gold cross that Mel (another dear friend from university) gave to me on the occasion of my baptism in 2006. **Muacks**
Hugs and kisses,
and hmm.. friends who stand by each other are worth sweating for.. remember :)
And perlukan mentioned pasal the girls' school... nanti the pengz ejek ejek again. 3 8
Any bleeding involved? :P
I shall wait for the comments.
I recommend CHOICE.
You didn't know meh?
Studying in UM does not mean a thing le... :P
We can start a club. PLUMnus. :P
just that, my story ended pretty soon. two got married, and the other two remained single.
Dear9, wanna die ar? Cupid club is for AUNTIES....
felt blessed for having you too DEAR... love you
It's not difficult, just that society finds that impossible.
Hi! Didn't expect you here. You're married what? :P
Mrs. Ong misses you...
:D :D :D
All the unis are yin!