The First Salvo

Swiped from Megan *.
Here's an update from the frontline of my war against acne. I recently consulted with a highly-recommended recommended dermatologist near Tung Shin hospital. Heard only praises about him and apparently SK also found someone raving about him on a blog. Lotsa patients and the weird thing is, appointments aren't allowed. Walked in on a Saturday at 9:30am and found that the doctor would only be in an hour later. So factoring that in with the fact that I was fifth in line, SK and I walked over to Wisma S&M to do some really EARLY DVD shopping. Only one or two were open, and I bought a couple of DVDs from the bargain bin at MYR3.50 per disc. Fantastic! Got myself "Hoyakashi - Japanase Classice Horror: The Animation", "Tales From Earthsea" and "Dororo". Believe it or not, SK got herself some anime with a busty girl in a bikini out front. :P.

By the time we got back, it was just in time for my turn. Dr Chang turns out to be someone with fantastic skin for his age. Though his jowls have not completely defied gravity and ageing, his skin is clear and smooth. Botox binge? Hehe. Anyway, I told him about my problem and once he shone the pendarflour light at my forehead, he went "Whoa, those are big ones!". He prescribed me two months of antibiotics and gave me a cleansing regiment-- moisturiser, cleanser and pimple cream that I suspect is Retin-A.

"I'll give you this cream. It will extract out the whiteheads and shrink the pores. It will make your skin fairer. Smoother. More beautiful."

It was like a commercial for the next wonder cream. I was sold. I've been using his stuff for a bout a week now and I must say that my forehead is no longer red and angry. There are outbreaks, but not painful. The only side-effect is some peeling. It looks promising. I'm supposed to seem him in two weeks time, so everyone... wish me luck coz I think I'm on the road to recovery. Just got to resist popping those pimples!!! Somebody get me mittens!


Ganymede said…
Yea I did notice your complexion was much better. Yey for you!

Lets his magic immerse in you!

That sounded salah...
Little Prince said…
shrink pores? fairer skin?
where's he!?
Melvin Mah said…
Sigh~ Complexion....I need to combat the same prob~
Anonymous said…
how much is the consultation fee? Izzit expensive? Can i help the contact number for this doctor as well. Thanks. Btw the clinic is open on sat or not?
Pluboy2 said…
which means frankie saw you recently? and we havent seen you for 2 months i believe.. hmm...

anyway... ur skin is already nearing botox level ok? heheee
adrien said…
and here i am, using Oxy. lol

is he expensive? (why does this question sound so man-whore inqure-ish? lol)

i wanna give him a try. (see.)
Cheryl said…
ermm dear...anyhow is just an anime.. not big deal la... havent watch it though...

I am pretty sure ur skin will back to normal like 10 yrs ago :)
William said…
Thanks. It does sound a bit salah! :P


Brother in Arms!

My first consultation cost 135 for meds and facial products. Open half day on Saturday. LOTS of people. Do drop your e-mail if you want the address.

Yeah, met him just last Friday. Botox level?! Haha.

I'm sure you can afford him (pimp-ish answer).

I do hope so!
Jason said…
Woo... That's good to hear!

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