

Eric Cartman Swiped from Brann . I'm not writing about the sequel to "Dare To Fail" ( incidently, the author is looking for a wife that looks like Rosamund Kwan to accompany him on overseas trips to collect his book royalties-- good luck, man! ). DareToLose is a new series on TV sponsored by the evil people at Mayfair Slimming. It is thinly camouflaged as an attempt to help people look good ( read anorexic ) but it actually has the sinister objective of propagating bad body image amongst the populace so that they can make a buck. (wife plays the piano, husbands sits beside her with their wedding album) "Dear, look at this." "You're just insinuating that I'm fat. Not as thin as used to be when I married you!" (the wife storms off) Then they interview the husband. He's spewing a whole lot of crap about hoping that his wife will lose some weight for her health ( yeah, right! ). And if she doesn't lose any weight, well, that's


sleepy soldier Swiped from mindvoice . Hi guys and gals. If you didn't notice, I've been away. I'm down south, in Singapore taking some time off and fulfilling my conjugal duties. I will be back in KL on Monday, but don't expect a full report until like what... next week? Hehehe. Toodles!

Wayang Kulit

majlis berkhatan Swiped from lastsham . Upon reaching my office on a Saturday morning, I saw the darndest thing-- someone was spraying water from the fire hydrant right in front of the building. Was there a fire? A fire drill? Crowd control? Nope. They were actually hosing down some 20 kids. Why? To soften them up. Soften what up? Soften their skin up. Shrivel their little pistols. Yes, dear friends, a mass circumcision. The poor kids. The whole kampung turned up for the party. Cameras a-clicking. Food and relatives everywhere. When I came down for lunch, I was half expecting to see bloodied foreskin strewn all over the floor of the carpark. But I guess the Foreskin Fairy already cleaned up after... If you're uncut, would you consider going cut now? And if you're cut, at what age did that happen? :P

Serendah III: Long Night

collageserendah6 Swiped from williamnyk . ...continued from here ... Exhausted from the game of twisted twister, we slept at about midnight. I didn't sleep well. Woke up at 2:00am, 5:00am and 6:45am. Too darn cold. Even tried sleeping downstairs. Seems that I wasn't the only one. Little Bull was up too. Said he was harrassed by insects ( the whole toilet floor was bersepah with wings, a massacre of sorts-- we suspect Froggie had a late night snack ). And his tossing and turning in turn bothered Magus. Froggie complained about cramped real estate, but the Birthday Bibik seemed to be most comfortable... illegal logging the whole night... Not being able to sleep, I went for a morning walk with my digicam. The insects weren't awake yet, but the birds were and the cool air coupled with the sound from the babbling brook were very relaxing. After that, the rest of the gang woke up. Magus and I were the designated maids-- Siti and Haryanti, preparing breakfast. A hearty br


8 Swiped from Il Topone . A little break from Serendah, so meme time! QueerR tagged me again, but I decided to bagi muka coz I can really identify with the number 8. No prize for guessing why. 8 Things I Am Passionate About {"KH", "$$$", "Anime", "Undies", "Camwhoring", "Friends", "Health", "Food"} 8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die Note: Magus did mention something about climbing Ayer's Rock in drag like in "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert", but I don't think so... {"Married the person I love", "Found job satisfaction", "Found financial freedom", "Reveal my true self to the world", "Travel the world", "Tried every weird cuisine in the world", "Tried out acting", "Get a tattoo"} 8 Things I Say Often {"OMG", "Wahsei", "Yes, my dear?", "Beh tahan", "Hi, baby&q

Serendah II: I'll Huff and Puff and Blow your House Down

collageserendah1 Swiped from williamnyk . ...continued from here ... The living quarters for our trip was the Glass Shed. As you can guess, the concept is transparent living. A whole lotta glass, wood and metal mesh. Stark. Semi-spartan. IKEA. Smack dab in the middle of a forest. Upon entering the place, we dumped our bags and immediately the shutters were clicking. True cam-whores. Only after a while did it hit us that we should be putting the perishables in the refrigerator ( what camping trip has a refrigerator you may ask? Well, this one had. And a microwave too! ). The pictures in the website are better, but I guess that is to be expected. The hammock and the stretched canvas awnings were missing. Oh well, macam gambar depan mee maggi, serving suggestion only. Upstairs is the bedroom with 2 queen-sized beds and whole lot more glass. The bathroom has a large gash in the ceiling ( open shower concept ) and anyone upstairs can just pull up a chair, munch on snacks to see th

Serendah I: Getting There

collageserendah0 Swiped from williamnyk . Out of the blue I was asked by DanielH whether I was interested in a camping trip. Images of pitched tents, leeches and wiping my arse with leaves flashed immediately through my mind... "It's gonna be a diva camping trip." That phrase had me sold. I put my faith in him. Oh well. It was all hush-hush ( didn't even know the locale, only the date ) for a while since the coven was not yet complete. Froggie had yet to find the 6th camper. Turned out to be Little Bull. Effectively knocking the crown off DanielH's head as the youngest camper. By the time I found out where we were going, the preparations were already in full swing-- determining the amenities provided at Sekeping Serendah so that we could decide what to bring. Even had a pre-trip discussion at The Apartment , The Curve. We tended to steer away from the agenda, but it did accomplish something. Haha. The roast duck there is quite good and even comes with a