Underwear Exchange

Green Cafe

Underwear collectors always have this concern when shopping online~ shipping cost. Free shipping is the target, and more often that not one person can't hit the minimum order quantity. This is when other underwear collectors come to the rescue. Different people would act as aggregators for different brands, at different times. And when items arrive, an underwear exchange (sounds more like exchanging used underwear hor?) meet-up would occur to swap or distribute the loot. Earlier in the month, there was a CIN2 sale which I ignored, but Andy managed to tempt me. Our exchange happened at Foliage Coffee, a cafe smack dab in the middle of flower nursery. He helped me get GRIP tights. Very nice quality really. Not like I wear them to workout, but more like fetish wear for me. And I passed him the Teamm8 underwear that he tumpang on my order.

Underwear Exchange

The second exchange was with SimonLover, and ForIHaveSinned at Good Blue Men at Happy Mansion. Always up to date with the fashion trends, SimonLover gave me a pair of black Nike jockstraps, while I gave him a pair of OEM swim trunks. Hopefully he will find some use for them while tanning and cruising at the pool. 


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