Recalcitrant Cat

Recalcitrant Cat

Most of my neighbours love cats. There are five cats living with my immediate neighbour. Each cat has a different demeanour. Today I am going to talk about Nek, an alley cat that my neighbour rescued. At first, he told me that he would send it to Pasar Borong Serdang, but in end he adopted Nek. Recently, Nek found a liking to exploring rooftops. Nek would slip out from a second floor window and jump to the other houses. But there's a catch, the houses are on a slope, so the roofs are not level. So when the silly cat jumps to a house on a different level, it can't return. Nek would start meowing in the most pitiful way to catch the attention of its owner. My neighbour would then have to mount a rescue operation by dragging a ladder to my porch. Unfortunately, the rescue is not so straightforward. Instead of running to the arms of its rescuer, Nek would run away! My neighbour would have to make several attempts to lure Nek with its favourite food or favourite toy. When my neighbour gives up, Nek would once again put on a pitiful face. The feline mind baffles. So far, it has happened thrice. Wonder if it would be a weekly occurrence.....   


Derek said…
This cat so nonsense geh
William said…
Hahahahahaha. Yes, very nonsense.
Twilight Man said…
I wonder why ancient Egyptians worshipped cats?? They are good for nothing.

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