Much Ado-rian About Nothing

Musang King Durian

Durian just doesn't do it for me anymore. You can wave the most premium Musang King in front of me, and I won't pay it any mind. Creamy, bitter, sweet, fleshy, whatever. Not tempted at all. Even in other forms, I would reject durian, for example durian cake, durian dodol, durian bingka, durian ice cream, durian cream puff, etc. It wasn't always like this. Back when I was younger, I did eat durian. But my body's tolerance for it wasn't very high. Durian would make me heaty, and in no time at all, my throat would be dry, and sticky with phlegm. The end state was a sore throat. Got sick of getting sick. Haha. So I swore off durians. KH would call this extreme behaviour. 

P.S.: Just the other day, mum bought some Musang King and I decided to try a little to find out what the fuss is about. Although my durian memory is kind of rusty, it really just tasted like D24 to me.


Derek said…
Yeah lo, so extreme. I have to eat more to balance out. Haha
Twilight Man said…
I see durians. I scream! I will have durian dates with Derek.
William said…

See how many KGs both of you can eat.
Jaded Jeremy said…
Same here! Same experience too.

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