Scenes From Another MCO Raya


The MCO put a big damper on Hari Raya Puasa for the second year in a row. Because no visitations were allowed, the Muslims needed an alternative way to celebrate. The answer: fireworks, lots of it. From night flowers to red crackers. No holds barred. The super shaky photo is of my neighbour's kids playing sparklers in front of their porch.  

Raya di Aeon

On the first Syawal morning, Muslim men also missed out on their congregational prayers at the mosque. So what to do after breakfast? Put on your pretty clothes and go to AEON! At least one can get a little Raya feel there because the staff are in baju Melayu and baju kurung, and Raya songs are blaring over the PA system.  

Raya Cookies

In the evening, I received Raya cookies from my neighbour. Raya complete. 


Twilight Man said…
Now I remembered seeing couples in their best attire pushing trolleys and laughing with other friends on trolleys. They were feasting kuehs too!!

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