Give Me Bak My Social Life

With the pandemic and multiple MCOs, my social life has really dehydrated to a pitiful state. Really miss meeting up with friends over coffee and cake, or having a grand 'ol time at my favourite Japanese restaurant. And lets not forget about the private parties at Maison SK 2.0! Sad times. Be that as it may, there are still ways to close the gap. For example, the whole claustrophobic situation did not stop Apollo's mum from making several batches of her signature chicken dumplings (bak zhang), and sending them out to friends to celebrate Dragon Boat Festival! Lalamove to the rescue. When I received the package, the food was still hot! So touched, and I really missed her cooking. Speaking of dumplings, this year we saw the advent of the vacuum-packed variety. Lasts a couple of months at room temperature. Perfect for e-commerce in these trying times.
Eat more nasi kandar.