Only Fan
I've never had air-conditioning in my room. For as long as I can remember, I only had my trusty ceiling fan. The typical three-bladed Panasonic fan. When it got really hot, the only option was to switch the regulator up to the fifth gear, open all the windows, and throw off all my clothes. My fan was doing fine except for an annoying creaking sound that would come and go. Still, I could live with it. One day, SK managed to get a free replacement for me. One of her super rich neighbours at MaisonSK 2.0 gave away fans and water heaters for the simple fact that he didn't like them after installation. So she grabbed one Deka fan for me, and got Drew to help me install it. Drew came one hot afternoon and helped me switch it. I was the assistant who handed him tools, and pointed a portable fan at his head. After a sweaty sixty minutes, it was done. But he had to install it twice because of a stray screw. Comparatively, this new fan had only four speeds, and used a remote control instead of a regulator. A small upgrade.