Petaling Street Pastu Petai

Pecel Lele

Dropped mum off at KLSCAH for an afternoon meeting with her women's chapter buddies. I parked my car at Zhong Shan Building hoping to kill time at Tommy Le Baker. Unfortunately, it was a full house. The afternoon sun was at its zenith, but I had no choice but to take the number eleven bus to Petaling Street in search for lunch. Walked up and down, and read a few menus, but nothing really caught my interest. Hawker Chan, the Michelin star soy sauce chicken rice from Singapore had zero customers. The Hungry Tapir was expensive vegan food. Ho Kow was... well the usual Ho Kow chaos. KafeiDian was also at full capacity. Not too sure about Luckin Kopi either. Didn't want to do Merchant's Lane too. In the end, I sat down at Restoran Jawa An-Nur, an Indonesian restaurant that serves a pretty good pecel lele. I sat there for hours with a mug of hot kopi c. From my observation, its very popular among the contractors from the nearby Merdeka PNB118 construction site. Guestimating that mum would be done soon, I took a leisurely walk back through the scenic route, stopping a while at the Guan Yin Temple. Also had the time to check out an old mooncake shop at Kampung Attap called Tong Wah.  

Coloured Tiles

Later that night, mum, KH and I had a 'vomit beans' dinner party at Cutipie's place in Semenyih. 'Vomit beans' refers to petai or stink beans. Cutiepie's daughter coined the term, and you can guess from the name how much she likes it. It was the main dish of the night because she knows how much KH likes it. She also whipped up a plate of udang masak lemak, and some savoury rice. KH supplemented with Winner's fried chicken. The whole night Cutiepie's daughter entertained us with her vivacious character. Until our next 'vomit beans' party!

Sambal Petai


Twilight Man said…
Guestimating? What a bombastic word. Vomit beans I like.
Derek said…
Her daughter likes to do TikTok dance! So cute!

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