Trying Out Twenty Twenty

During most of secondary school, the buzzwords were "Wawasan 2020" and "Rakan Muda". Those two things were a cure-all. Well, the latter had been trampled into obscurity, while the former is staring us in face right now. Are we a developed nation? Far from it. But whatever the case, we must continue to grow. And to grow, one must start the year right. Between KH and I, starting the year right is having a paktor session on New Year's day. We met up for breakfast at Restoran New Lian Hin in Kuchai Lama. I had the pork noodles, while he went for the sinful nasi lemak with curry chicken. From there, we made a little skip and hop to Little Jungle Coffee House for their specialty iced coffee called Geng Chow Bing. It literally means Super Iced. For the uninitiated, it's a large mug of frothy kopi ping topped with in a incredible huge chunk of iced kopi o. Sounds interesting right? But I personally don't like it because it reminds me of iced mocha. Also tried a bowl of taufufa, but it was mediocre.

Once our bellies were filled, it was time to get myself filled with a big dose of KH. It was a lovely session that worked up a big sweat and a bigger appetite for lunch. From the bed, we moved to the shower, then went out again to stave off the munchies. Drove aimlessly without a general what to eat. Ended up at Old Hse, a restaurant specializing in modern Nyonya cuisine. Both of us shared a plate of nasi ulam with ikan belah belakang. Mixed it all up with a bowl of kari kapitan. All was good except for the bowl of black sesame tong sui that KH ordered. Twenty minutes of preparation time (a red light) gave birth to a bowl of "I don't know what". Tasted like a herbal concoction instead of tong sui. Gave the restaurant our feedback, and they actually said, "Everyone seems to say that about that dish.". LOL.

To get that awful taste out our mouths, we went to Tanuki for some cute cakes. We had to wait for a table as the place really quite small. Spotted a sister busy taking IG shots for his girlfriend, and a happy looking bear couple. Out of the many cakes,we chose-- The Seal was really adorable, and delicious to boot. A combination of coconut ice cream, with a filling of mango sorbet, and pineapple compote. Gift was a red cube of chocolate ice cream, hazelnut, and banana sorbet.

Believe it or not, we weren't done eating. On the pretense of getting coffee, we went to Sunday Coffee and Cakes a few doors up and we actually ordered a Tamagoyaki Sando to go with our drink. Out of control. Sunday is famous for their breads, but I wasn't really wow-ed by that sweet egg sandwich. Our New Year's day paktor (non-stop eating) session ended there.

In the evening, I could still eat (must have burned a lot of calories during sex). SK jio-ed me for BKT at Restoran Yuen Chung Heng, Taman Equine. Gorged on a pot of rib tips, intestines, and lean meat. As if the pork wasn't enough, we still had to add on stewed chicken feet, and of course any balanced meal must include vegetables. The day was satisfying in more than ways than one.

P.S.: Was hoping that 2020 would be kind to everyone, but Covid-19 really threw a big spanner into the delicate cogs of everyone's plans. Back to the drawing board! Stay healthy, stay at home, at least for now.
P.P.S.: I'm finally blogging about the current year!!!
I used to have an informational panel at the side explaining all the regular personalities that I mention in my blog posts.
KH = My husband of 13 years
SK = My bestie / fag hag
So lockdown now and no sex. No calories burnt too until end of May. Lolol