Townhall 2019

Colmar Tropicale

Towards the end of March, my CEO called for an annual town hall, annual dinner, and team-building. The town hall laid down a lot of plans that my CEO wanted to see implemented in the coming year, and I was put on the spot. The product I was working was supposed to be delivered soon, but I had to announce a one month delay. But that didn't stop the marketing machinery from chugging along. As usual, our annual dinner was held at Tropicana Golf and Country Resort. An improvement from last year because we had leftovers this year. A few days later, we had a team-building session at Colmar Tropicale. Donkey years ago, I also had a session in Bukit Tinggi. I remember that my trainer wore a bow tie and we were cooped up for two days. Nearly went nuts. This was just a day trip, and the activities were quite physical in nature. Although we were indoors, there was lots of  running around, and moving about. We did have one outdoor session that involved a giant beach ball. Brought out some competitive spirit. But truth be told, it was a very dangerous activity because there was all sorts of hazards nearby. But it was fun to see my GM crash into hedge with a loud crunch! At the end, we had an engineering challenge. From a bunch of PVC pipes, wheels, metal rod, and string, we had to come up with a cart that could carry one person, and be steered. That steering mechanism really needed some deep thought. We gave it our best shot and ended up with a cart that steered itself to death. LOL.


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