Winter Solstice 2018

Tang Yuan Dough

On Winter Solstice, some stalls sold the the colourful glutinous rice dough required to make tang yuan. Sold by weight, mum says that its pretty profitable because its mostly water weight. That day we ventured to Taman Desa for a fish head noodles breakfast at Woo Pin. Still love their fragrant and moist fried fish head, but the price is getting higher and higher. Lunch was just Marks and Spencers Rich Tea biscuits with a cup of hot Chek Hup coffee.

Fish Head Noodles

Did some shopping at SuperSave and it was funny to see that Santa Claus and Frost the Snowman were already feeling the heat from the Year of the Pig although Christmas wasn't even over yet.

Santa Feeling the Pressure

We had our second lunch at Restoran Joylnn, Taman Damai Utama~ wat tan hor with kopi c ping. Really difficult to predict whether my mother is hungry or not at times.

Wat Tan Hor

Our Winter Solstice dinner was at Banh Mi Cafe, Puchong Jaya with my sister and the Monsters. At night, we started making tang yuan for the Winter Solstice event at KLSCAH on Sunday.

Banh Mi

Tang Yuan


Jaded Jeremy said…
I had tang yuan for the first time in decades at this dessert place, where their main dessert is taufufa. The tang yuan was the size pinkie fingernail @@
Twilight Man said…
I hear Woo Pin!!! So much good
memories of this restaurant and the family behind. AHH... I bumped into you there.

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