Gotong-Royong Gereja 2018
Ever since the church gotong-royong fiasco several years back, I shunned the activity for fear of a repeat. This year, due to lack of response from the other members of my BEC (quiter than a grave when looking for volunteers), I registered. Mum didn't join as she had her hands full with the monsters. At 7:30 AM, we were treated to a simple breakfast of nasi lemak bungkus and hot beverages. An elderly man in front of me took a sip of the tea and declared, "longkang water". Lol.
With a pail and a rag in hand, we started work. Work was segregated by ministries. My group was tasked with cleaning the many wall fans situated in and around the church. Once that was done, we moved on to cleaning chairs, and de-mossing the drains. Towards the end, we cleaned the adhesive stains from the front steps. We were so lacking of the proper tools that we went out to buy Clorox and Jiff, or those that lived nearby just went home to get it. Finished up everything slightly after noon. Cleaned up and headed home to rest.
Later in the afternoon, SK and Bless dropped by. They had spent the day at Bukit Tinggi. All of us went out for coffee at Fika. Quite troublesome since it was raining cats and dogs. The Monsters whined that they were hungry, so we got them the Green Curry Muffles (their so-called crispy but fluffy waffles). The green curry had a good amount of spices, but it was mild and sweet enough for the kids. Quite delicious really. Coffee was also decent. The owners gave the interior a wood theme with polyhedral metal lights hanging from the ceiling. Unfortunately, they didn't make very good use of the space. There just didn't seem to be a focal point or any pattern to the placement of furniture.
At one point, Little Monster complained that he needed to poo, so mum brought him to the toilet. Twenty minutes later, mum announced that there was an 'incident' and Little Monster came out with a cardigan around his waist instead of pants. Oops. Time to go home.
Back home, mum received a call from our neighbour. That usually meant free food. Huhu. Mum returned with a big pot of meat stew. Full of pork, chicken, tofu, and potatoes. As if that want enough, there was also a big bowl of braised pig face and intestines. Sinful! And it came paired with a big box rice vermicelli. With all that food, we were lucky that SK and Bless were staying over for dinner.