APA tu?

Powerlifting I

As usual, mum and I were strolling in Paradigm Mall after lunch, and lo and behold, there was a congregation of beefy guys in spandex at the upper atrium! It was actually the Asian Powerlifiting Alliance (APA) Championship. What's powerlifting? The definition I got of the internet says : Powerlifting is a strength sport that consists of three attempts at maximal weight on three lifts~ squat, bench press, and deadlift. That's why so many bulging veins, and guttural sounds.

Powerlifting II

It was a visual feast and if I knew about the event earlier, I would have brought my super zoom. Oh well, enjoy the grainy photos anyway.

Powerlifting III

So hot and flustered after all that... had to go have something cold.

Iced Kopi



Arvind R.K said…
power lifters are usually huge, and some have big bellies because they tend to eat a lot to gain the strength they need in lifting, so within the bodybuilding circle, power lifters aren't really in good terms with weight lifters that lift weight to sculpt their body, and weight lifters that's more into looks make fun of power lifters for their huge body etc

anyway that guy on the first picture is sooo doing it wrong, can't imagine the pressure he's putting on his knees, it's not a proper form :-|
William said…
Hopefully he'll get feedback from other members. :D

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