Seeing Suzy: Rain Edition

Kuala Lumpur Train Station

Suzy was in town selling software instead of hardware this time. Her new company put her up in The Majestic Hotel. Really nice. My first time there really. Walked in the rain from Pasar Seni LRT station to meet her there. Her request was simple (or not so simple): "I want a good Maggi goreng for dinner". I fired up my GRAB app to get a ride, but before it got through I killed the app. The door man hailed us a cab instead. Directed the taxi driver to Pelita Nasi Kandar at Jalan Ampang. Thankfully the traffic was clear in that direction although the rain often screws things up.

The Majestic Hotel

Suzy got her Maggi goreng fix, and I had a thosai. She updated me on her new job, things going on at home, and of course her love life. Suddenly I got a call-- it was a GRAB driver! LOL. Guess killing the app didn't kill my request. Cham. Another discussion we had was on the conspiracy that KH was avoiding her. In the past few months, every time Suzy was in town, KH would surely be in Singapore! LOL. Talk about 'coincidences'. Until our next meet-up.


Twilight Man said…
First time I tried a Grab app was at the Subang Airport while waiting for flight. Downloaded the app and tested & fiddled for Kota Bahru. Suddenly the Grab driver called to say he was trying to locate me at KB Airport! Silly me.
thompsonboy said…
Killing the app doesnt kill the request la
William said…

Yeah, request already in the server. Didn't wait for the cancel button to appear.

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