Park At Your Own Risk
Traffic warden duty at church is really no walk in the park. Parishioners are all angelic when they enter the church, but when they get behind the wheel, whatever "faith, hope, and charity" is thrown into the river at the back of the church. The church management does its best to arrange for smooth traffic flow and maximizing of parking space (no choice but to allow double parking and tandem parking). Not an easy feat when you have two big masses on Sunday mornings, with parents hanging around due to Sunday school and other activities. Everyone wants to have things their way, and to their convenience. Everyone else is a stumbling block and an idiot there to thwart their plans. The traffic wardens just work according to the plan and try to ease things so that traffic goes smoothly. But every week, there would bound to be someone whose car is blocked or do not want to follow instructions, and would start throwing tantrums. In addition to putting up announcements in the church, the wardens (bless their hearts) would go to the extent of asking around to see if they can find the owner of the car at the cafeteria or other areas in the church compound. As if standing in the heat is not enough, they have to take the heat from irate parishioners who can only think about themselves. When I'm on duty, I try to ignore those people. I just tell them that I myself would park at areas with much less risk of causing trouble to myself and others, and walk away. A thankless job, but somebody has got to do it.
Parking is always a messy thing especially when lots are limited.
Inside mostly. In recent years, we had even expanded to use some land near the river for parking.
Not kind-hearted lo, just no eye see. LOL.