BoCo Rahsia

Every now and then, I find mum a new place have lunch after Sunday mass. On the fourth Sunday of July (gosh, I'm really lagging behind), we went to Botanica + Co. at Bangsar South. Mum liked the interior. Taking into consideration mum's ketogenic diet, we just shared a pan of baked eggs. It was quite good really. Didn't expect to see my ex-law lecturer having brunch there with a couple of friends. Love the fact that he ordered red wine tanpa segan-silu although he's a Malay muslim.

On the way home, we pumped petrol at Shell Bukit Jalil. Mum pointed out that the place had an uncharacteristically carnival-like atmosphere. Weird! The petrol station staff invited us to have some free nasi lemak and bihun goreng. They even had freebies at a dart-throwing station. The poor staff also had to serenade customers with an outdoor KTV. Surprised that petrol stations actually have Hari Raya open house sessions.

Later that afternoon, SK came over with some nasi dagang from Kuantan, and kaya roll from Seri Jaya. Yes, she was back in the East Coast to visit her grandmother again. Good food is always available when you have good friends.
