Isetan Kiss

At the Isetan checkout:

(Leaned over to whisper into KH's ear)

Moi: My credit card PIN is XXXXXX

KH: ... Think I got it.

Later on What's App:

KH: I thought you were leaning in for a kiss just now!

Moi: LOL. That's a 'kiss' that's worth a lot of money!

Dear KH,

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Year of the Rooster!

Happy 10th Anniversary!


P.S.: Happy CNY to all my readers of course!


Derek said…
Thanks dear! Happy Anniversary! Muacks!

And honestly,I love you a lot more than money ;-)
William said…
Happy Year of the Rooster to you and your family!

Can quantify it? LOL. Muacks baby.

Liar, liar, pants on faiyah. :P
William said…
Which part? Hehe.

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