
Nasi Kerabu

I celebrated my 36th birthday on Sunday, the 9th of October. Went to church as usual and lunched nearby. A new café offering East coast delicacies had popped up at Sunwaymas, so we decided to give it a try. The name of the place was Cafe Kesom, but they had not put up their main signboard. I kept seeing Blook Warehouse. Like Capital Nasi Dagang in Damansara Uptown, this place has a Chinese proprietor and serves Kelantanese food. Kesom uses a self-service approach where you are given a tray and you cherry pick whatever add-ons you desire. Unfortunately, the counter is too short and the checkout too slow for such an implementation. To gauge the authenticity of the place, we ordered the two classic dishes-- Nasi Dagang and Nasi Kerabu.

Nasi Dagang

One bite of the Nasi Dagang and my taste buds could not detect a single percentage of Nasi Dagang in it. Tasted all wrong. Couldn't detect the taste of fenugreek. To make matters worse, the rice was soft. The basic Nasi Dagang also doesn't come with meat, so I ordered the Gulai Ikan Tongkol to go with it. That was quite OK. On the other hand, the Nasi Kerabu was quite satisfying and it looked very handsome. The rice was a good hue of blue, but they were a little bit stingy with the salad. Interestingly, the Nasi Kerabu is served with a dollop of thick gulai which added a very creamy note to it. I'm not quite used to that.

Fine Desserts

After lunch, I was craving for something sweet, so I went looking for Foo Foo in TTDI. Heard a lot about it, but never tried it. Walked upstairs and was greeted by a closed door, but it automatically opened and we were ushered in by a member of the crew. He flashed a huge smile and showed us to our table. The first thing I noticed about the place was the beautiful interior. It was simple and incorporated some retro elements, giving it enough design details. Even artfully peeling Chinese style calendars can be used to make a feature wall. The service was very attentive. The guy would proactively come over to ask whether I needed any help. Pored through the reviews on Foursquare and decided on the Crispy Profiteroles.

"Is it your first time here? You actually chose the most popular item on the menu!"


KH said that was a little dramatic. Haha. Took a while for them to fulfill the order as I'm guessing it's made to order. When it came, it looked like a trio of cold sliders. Crispy choux pastry were sliced into half to sandwich salted caramel coffee ice cream. Each sandwich was put on a slice of candied orange. I liked the combination and it was perfect to share.

Retro Calendars

Crispy Profiteroles

MaisonSK hosted dinner that evening. The usual gang came over and we had a good time with good food. Even The Tribe made an appearance. Thanks for celebrating my big day!

Steamed Snow Crab

Steamed Prawns


Jaded Jeremy said…
" KH said that was a little dramatic. " I can imagine him rolling his eyes haha.
William said…
Haha. It was over the phone, so I'm not sure.
Twilight Man said…
Happy Birthday Young Man. Did you save the crabs for me?
William said…
Thanks. Frozen crab tak sedap :(

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