Lunch Alone, Dinner Together

Lamb Shank

Mum was still away so I went to church alone. Found lunch at Le Pont, but parking there wasn't as easy to find. Forked out RM5 to park at the multi-level car park. Expensive. All the available car parks had been conquered by the Elken staff. Tried another signature item from their menu, i.e. braised lamb shank. Huge portion of tender meat. Felt a little guilty downing so much red meat. Paired that with a cup of La Loma, their newest offering of single origins coffee. The coffee came with an information card and some ground coffee for me to sniff. Since I was all by myself and there was no eye candy, I didn't linger.

La Loma Single Origins Coffee

Back home, I took down all the CNY decorations and lazed the afternoon away. In the evening, went over to MaisonSK for dinner again. However, we had a guest of honour that night-- Sharky. With him around, SK didn't need to worry about leftovers. Seriously, that boy can eat! As expected, the fella was a bit shy around the gang. Based on his observations, he actually thought that Brian and #BF was an item. Hmmmmmm. XD.

Taking Down the CNY Decor

Dinner @ MaisonSK

Salmon Sashimi from the Market


Twilight Man said…
Just wondering. I might know Sharky.

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