KH Wedding Trip I: Snooty Waiter

The Waiter

My hubby KH is notorious for travelling overseas for weddings. You could get married in the Maldives and he would buy a flight ticket to attend it. And for that reason, he was in Singapore. But on a positive note, the wedding was an excuse to spend quality time with me. He arrived on Thursday evening after work and arrived too tired for much bed sport. But we spent much time snuggling and kissing. On Friday, he went to do some banking and visited his old regular TCM lady for tuina and cupping. In the evening, we met up with Nic, POD and Suzy for French dinner at Balzac Brasserie, Hotel Rendezvous. POD highly recommended their duck confit but I wasn't impressed. However, the bed of mashed potatoes that it was on was very rich in truffle oil. My pan-fried sole 'fillet' came as a whole fish and boy was it fishy. Doused it with lemon juice to make it more palatable. Desserts weren't much better. The champagne samboyan tasted downright weird, warm yogurt with berries sherbet. And our waiter was a little 'one kind'. When Suzy was busy talking, he actually extended his hand expecting her to grab the bowl from it. When she did not, he just left it there and rolled his eyes. He showed the same ten sen face when we asked him to help take a group photo. He was lucky that POD was in a good mood. Regardless, we had a fantastic dinner there, laughing and gossiping the night away. The storytelling sessions were especially animated. Lifted Suzy's spirit a little as she just recently learned that she lost a major deal that she had been working on for years. Suzy was kind enough to drop us off at the hotel and we bid her goodnight.


J said…
Didn't you just want to slap him???
Twilight Man said…
He is a rare gem! Better marry quick!
William said…
We ignore him.

We are already 'married'
Jaded Jeremy said…
I'm surprised POD didn't at least reprimand him.
William said…
In his infinite patience...

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