As my regular readers would know, the stuff I post on my blog is as fresh as a two month old loaf of Massimo left on the kitchen counter. Simply put, this is a weBlog with a Backlog. A blog blog. A true blog. Haha. Anyway, I'm gonna fast-forward for a special occasion-- KH and I's 8th anniversary together!

On our 8th year, he didn't write me card.
He didn't record me a video message.
He didn't send me a telegram.
He didn't send me flowers.
He didn't get a tattoo with my name on it.
He didn't give me a diamond ring.
He didn't write me a back cheque.

What he did was, he wrote me a GSC confession. LOL. And it was posted on the 28th of January, the date it all started (with some help from the Admin). Truth be told, I missed his confession. When I scanned through the first few sentences, it only scored 1.25 on my Skanky Scale. I got a mini scolding for that. Anyway, here's what he wrote:

Love you dear. Happy Anni! 
Muacks. Muacks. Muacks. Muacks. Muacks. Muacks. Muacks. Muacks.


Robinn T said…
Aiyooo so nice laaaaa

May it be so much more longer!
Anonymous said…
the confession is too sweet i need to take diabetic medication. lol
Anonymous said…
So sweet. U r meant for each other. Here's to another 88 years!!
Anonymous said…
auww! :-) super sweet n not so manja2 mengada. lol!
u guys r totally mfeo. may there'll b mo horning sex 4 u!
- rainy day
William said…
@Tempus: @Anon:
KH and I thank you!

Quite surprised that he actually wrote something like this.

Morning sex forever!

Twilight Man said…
Awwww sooo manis! Ants biting my legs! Faster kahwin and happily ever after dei....
William said…
We're happy now :D
Jaded Jeremy said…
Omg so sweeeeeettttt. I shouldn't have drunk V-Soy while reading this. Happy anniversary once again to both of you. I'm so happy for you guys. Hugssss.

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