Chaos, Order

C&O by williamnyk
C&O, swiped from williamnyk on Flickr.

BACKLOGGED! Work, work, work. This is what happens when I handwash my delicates. Plenty of fresh pairs around, but if I delay it any longer, I might be the victim of a soiled underwear avalance (though I suspect there are some people out there who might appreciate such an adventure). Haha. At least I don't have to iron that pile. :P. Perhaps I should outsource. Any takers?


J said…
Look at those colours!!!
kenni said…
the forbidden pair...juk juk juk
JokerPJ said…
my my~ all the yummy stuff... guess this is only a small part of your vast collection? damn... they looks like a fortune to me...

thompsonboy said…
the orange pair looks very skanky...
William said…
All the colours of the rainbow!

Hahahaha. You like?

Yeah, just a part of the whole... :P

Good eye! That's a pair of Groovin' from BKK

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