Shark Fin Soup Sucks

Here's an excerpt from an FB wall regarding sharks fin activism at its best. I enjoyed taking part. Happy reading!

shark fin melon soup ready in another 40 minutes. I am sure it will turn out great!
Like · · Unfollow Post · Yesterday at 8:25pm ·
Mr. J likes this.
williamnyk For some reason, sharkfin melon makes me feel nauseous. It has since been banned from my dinner table. Prefer the common melon.
Yesterday at 8:32pm · Like

Activist1 Stop killing sharks!!
Yesterday at 8:34pm · Like · 1

VegeBoy haha, never heard people get allergy of that. I love it, it's sweeter for my liking. :)
Yesterday at 8:34pm · Like

VegeBoyActivist1 I hope you are joking.......
Yesterday at 8:34pm · Like

Activist1 I am not.
Yesterday at 8:35pm · Like

VegeBoy have you finished reading my sentence carefully then?
Yesterday at 8:35pm · Like

Activist1 Not I haven't. Got so angry with people eating shark fin
Yesterday at 8:36pm · Like

Activist1 No**
Yesterday at 8:36pm · Like

VegeBoy it's shark fin MELON.
Yesterday at 8:47pm · Like

VegeBoy I am a vegetarian for 13 years for whatever's sake. :)
Yesterday at 8:48pm · Like · 1

Activist1 I know I know. The first couple of word triggered me
Yesterday at 8:48pm · Like
williamnyk Lol. Looks like sharkfin melon also menjadi mangsa. It's the sweetness that gets to me
Yesterday at 9:07pm · Like
williamnyk VegeBoy-- when will you say stop killing livestock?
Yesterday at 9:08pm · Like

VegeBoy ‎-_-" It's not funny!
Yesterday at 9:20pm · Like

Activist2 Tsk tsk. Vegetarians have shark's fin too? What do they use?
6 minutes ago · Like

VegeBoy MELON Activist2, MELON. It's a plant!
5 minutes ago · Like
williamnyk Alamak, faux sharks fin pun kena attack
4 minutes ago · Like

Activist2 Oh. I thought you mix shark's fin aka tofu with melon.
4 minutes ago · Like

VegeBoy google shark fin melon and you might know what it is.
about a minute ago · Like
williamnyk I eagerly await the third sharks fin activist
about a minute ago · Like

VegeBoy Will, you are watching the show huh? -_-"
a few seconds ago · Like
williamnyk Don't you find it amusing?
a few seconds ago · Like


Leo Nut said…
Ohh, i thought the vegetarian sharkfin was some types of rice noodles, dint know it was melon!

Just signed an Anti-sharkfin petition from body shop and got a small badge that i wear everyday! XD
William said…
I think vegetarians use some type of transparent noodle for sharks fin. You wear a button badge every day?

Vegeboy said…
I shall sue you for not quoting! LOL. Anyway,

vegetarian shark fin is NOT shark fin melon. They are different. Just to clear Kaylex's doubt.
William said…
Did not want to expose you ma. :P
Nick said…
Lol!!!! The fb dialogue is so hilarious! Poor shark fin MELON & faux 1 too.
shane said…
it's still a shark fin! stop killing shark!

William said…
Is it popular in Brunei?

I had a very nice sup hisit in Jakarta once... :P
Nick said…
Well, the dish name is popular. But seldom serve unless during wedding / other special occasion. Quality wise so-so.
Wah Liao eh! nak sebut nama negara kan? Mana tahu org anti-ikan yu pun nak sabo negara ku... Kesian...Lol
William said…
Won't la. You'll be safe. :)

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