Have You Eaten Cane Before?

Bamboo Groove, Kyoto by Yuki--chan
Bamboo Groove, Kyoto, swiped from Yuki--chan on Flickr.

Little Cyan is already three years old and he is beginning to show his tiger stripes. The kid is quite a handful now and is difficult to manage. A stubborn streak is showing up where he refuses to listen to reason and will just throw a tantrum until he gets what he wants. Most of the time, we have to use reverse psychology. So far, his parents have still been sticking to the modern school of child upbringing and have not resorted to more 'manual' methods. In my opinion, the kid has already seen through the whole situation and knows that he will eventually get his way. As the evil uncle, my temper is already at near blowing point. But of course I will respect his parent's wishes. But I think there's really not much choice anymore. A rotan for Christmas!

Spare the rod and spoil the child?

Melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya?

What do you think?


Nicholas Nick said…
Nice one. Actually, you could take out the cane and introduce the cane to him first... Its like a reinforcement for behaviour modification. If it doesnt work, punish him once with the cane on the hand... I'm sure his parents could understand.. XD
Derek said…
Yes dear. I don't see why not. Just look at how we and your blog readers turn out. We turn out just fine. And there's your proof in these age old sayings. Even the UK is considering bringing back the cane in schools.
MrBunnyBan said…
I used to teach disabled children who throw the very worst tantrums - but never used a cane. There's a lot of technique involved to making it work - you can't say u won't use a cane and that's it. Trick is making sure they will never, ever get what they want that through tantrums - but they will get what they want if they ask in an appropriate manner IF their request is appropriate. So there's a whole lot of teaching how to negotiate appropriately and what is an appropriate request.
Anonymous said…
i dun recommend using a cane, just like what ban said, there are a variety of ways to teach a child with tantrum, violence begets violence
Gratitude said…
My nephew gets his way at most times, but knows very well to behave when he sees fumes rising from his mostly-tolerant Dad. Children these days are intelligent enough to know not to breach the limits.and I agree with Bunny that there are various ways to deal with them ie reward i/o punishment
MrBunnyBan said…
Should I clarify? I prepared a long winded write up but I thought again if you want or not.
shane said…
my nephew n niece doesnt even respect me as their uncle since im "too young" for them. but when they r too over,i wont even think twice to give them "a lesson". the reason that usually stop me from doing that is because i respect my sis n bro in law
Anonymous said…
i agree with KH...use the cane...but sparingly...the next gen as u can see is already turning out bad...

- VC
Danny said…
agree agree .. cannot b too protective all the time.. must give them taste a bit once a while.. so that they won;t get wild :)
Rae P said…
ergh. i think i know the feeling. i have naughty nephews and nieces too. i don't know how you can manage urself, but i resort to telling them off now and then.....
kenni said…
When the modern teaching doesn't work, pls bring back the cane. Some kids will never learn till they taste one.

My dad never caned me. But there's once I flipped over the limit, he choked me!

There you go.
William said…
We turned out gay. Opps. :P

@Ban: @orange:
I need to see you in action. The problems is, the parents give in. And can't blame them also since they have to handle it day in, day out.

They are very clever. My nephew knows how to putar-belit and say different things to different people based on the situation.

I usually just ROAR

I pity parents actually. So many bad influences around. Everything is so accessible.

Ahaha. A supporter of tough love.

Hi. Welcome. :). I do lose my temper once in a while.

Wow. Sounds like Homer Simpson!
Kenny Mah said…
Oh, a little bit of the rod doesn't hurt anyone... until it becomes abuse. I guess it just depends on the parent and which method they decide upon. Hard to say if there is wrong or right in this matter, really.
Jaded Jeremy said…
I agree that Ban's way will work but it'll take lots of patience. Perhaps can integrate both methods e.g. replace the ultimate punishment with caning.
Twilight Man said…
Spank them hard! That is the best to mould them right. I was an angel, so was spared while my brother ate all the canes!
William said…
sometimes we get all fired up and forget our strength

Yes, need to do a rojak approach. No solution fits every kid

Lucky you!
William said…
Your comment ended up in my spam folder! I'll leave it to his parents.

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