Limp Wrist

20091221-wrist-pre02 by Cat Moloney
20091221-wrist-pre02, swiped from Cat Moloney on Flickr.

For a few days I had been experiencing a pain in my left wrist. Holding things a certain angle would bring about some loss of strength too. I thought it was a result of fiddling with my iPhone a little too much. But after talking to KH, I think I hurt it while masturbating the other day. Too challenging a position? XD


Medie007 said…
carpal tunnel syndrome ke?
Danny said…
err.. its time to get creative .. lol ;p
Twilight Man said…
OMG! Were you jacking at 200 shakes per minute? Your dick might drop off.
William said…
Not that serious kwa...

Care to choreograph something?

Just a bad angle. :P
Mr ET said…
Now, tat is kinda interesting. hahahaha, how's ur hand now? getting better?
Ash Godiva said…
how come can have bad angle on masturbating?hard to imagine it>.<
Anonymous said…
hahaha.. you're doing a one handed cartwheel while jerking off?
nicky05 said…
Aiyor !!! no one help to do meh? hire a personnel laaa aiyor :P
Danny said…
i'm afraid that i have to take a look at the material
before i can choreograph something ;p
William said…
Healed! Thanks for asking.

Imagine harder!

It's never enough.

I'd be in Cirque du Soleil if I could do that!

What to do, the sex slave you recommended cabut lari!

You so pro, can one!
Sexpert said…
bad angle? wow! I need to see how bad an angle u are using to jack off! I can imagine - lots of them - but how can it hurt?

Maybe u just need another - or more - pairs of hands to help you do it. But then of course you may reciprocate and at bad angels too. So it may not help.

Perhaps got to tie you down and let the other hands do the work and you can only reciprocate without hands! :-p
Jaded Jeremy said…
How is it now? Give it plenty of rest.
William said…
Having somebody jack you off isn't masturbation anymore. Haha. You're the sexpert, I'm sure you'll figure out the angle soon enough!


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