Correct Or Not?

Not exactly a great entry for "Damn You Auto Correct!", but its passable I guess. For your information, Tampopo is a Japanese Restaurant in Singapore that serves one of the top ten best ramen in town. Also known for their tonkatsu and black pig varieties. Actually the most annoying this about iPhone's auto-correct is the fact that it will always turn my "muacks" into "muscle". And it never learns to accept "muacks". Ugh. So most of the time, we wish each other "muscle". Unfortunately it doesn't help me to gain any at all. :(. My arms are still spindly and my tummy happy. Oh well. So what's your most hated auto-correct word?

Oh yeah, I'll be flying off to Brunei again tomorrow. Will be there till the 19th of August. Hopefully I will have the time and energy to blog during that period. See you when I see you.


Nick said…
Have a safe trip! Nothing to boast at in the food department.
J said…
I once replied to my supervisor that a paper of mine was 'rejected' (not a smartphone, just an ordinary one with the dictionary turned on). But my phone chose 'selected' and I didn't check and sent the message... Was a bit of an embarrassment really...
Pluboy2 said…
my iphone has learnt to accept muaks and many other words

but still not...
cummings for cumming
he'll for hell
play waiter for play water. THAT'S EPIC FAILURE!!!!!
nicky05 said…
aiyor!!!! turn the auto correction off laaaa. aiyor :P
Twilight Man said…
I wanna throw the HTC... So many malu words sent out and lost count! I think iPhone is more faithful..
Errr! You getting PR and become the Sultan's cocubine!!! Adoi pigi manyak kali dei.
Derek said…
My iphone can type muacks le dear. It's yours that sot2 ... LOL
William said…
There's gotta be something I should try. :)

Haha. Unintended fake good news.

I think it's easier to educate a T9 dictionary

It still has its uses.

He's 65 years old!

Buy me a new phone? :P

It was a pleasant trip if not for the delay.
Nick said…
Hmmm... Have u try "Ambuyat"? If u haven't, give it a go. :)
William said…

Aha. That sticky thing. Not cheap hor?
Nick said…
Yupe, that gooey stuff. Another form of "glue". Hehe . Yea, kinda expensive around BND 18 to 20 depending on the portion.

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