LRT Celebrities: The Thinker

Tohtonku and ThompsonBoy both sent me a link to "LRT Celebrities" definitely draws parallels from this interesting site. Who knows, if I ever get enough submissions, Malaysia may get its own version of TubeCrush. Wonder what would be a suitable name...? Care to brainstorm with me? I'll leave you with the second submission from Ash. A buffed Middle Eastern guy with big arms on PUTRA LRT. Not quite my type. I would have given the guy beside him a second look instead.


shane said…
suddenly ur face pop out in the submission. lol
Skyhawk said…
Not quite your type, means 'acceptable but..'
- a L E x - said…
LOL @ sky's comment :x

and, yeap the guy beside... xD
nicky05 said…
not really that interesting the right guy.:P
Deicidal said…
aiyo, no love for the right guy?
....more for me :)
kidz said…
hmm... nice arms.. looks delicious.. ^^
Anonymous said…
yeah, the cute chink next to that middle-eastern guy caught my attention too! damn that kid is cute!
thompsonboy said…
too bad alot of us don't take the submission abit less...but I do know Malaysia has lots of 'sniper'...maybe keep it open beyond LRT ler
William said…
Possible! I'll filter that out. :P

I don't like hirsute guys.

@-alex-: @Anon:
Quite cute right? :P

You only like one person.

Haha. Be my guest. :P

I knew you will be attracted to these things.

Are you a sniper?
Ryan said…
oooohhh... cute wat!!
Ash Godiva said…
actually the fella is more latino in person:p
William said…
Memang your taste.

Wah. Lagi exotic.

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