
Anuar Zain for MStar
Caught sight of this full page item on MStar, The Star's weekly Malay pullout. It featured Ziana Zain's kid brother (still applicable now that he's over 40?), Anuar Zain. For the benefit of my beh hiau Bahasa Melayu readers, the caption reads:

"Anuar Zain: Selesa Tanpa Wanita"

Yes folks, he's forty. Unmarried. Not bad looking. And most importantly, comfortable without women. If I were him and if I was straight (choi, choi, choi!), I would definitely feel uncomfortable with that statement emblazoned on a tabloid. Sounds too ghey kan?


Medie007 said…
coming out announcement?
if it was "hanya selesa tanpa wanita" it would be a lot more confirmatory...
Cheryl said…
What a weirdo quote! His face doesnt look like AJ le..
Mr.D said…
he's gay gay gay but nv admit so i guess this can be considered as 'coming out' lah.
Skyhawk said…
Not my cuppa tea. lolx!
Anonymous said…
well he's 40, was a flight attendant, sings popsy-tunes and comfortable w/out women, what more confirmation one needs? that screams gay to me.
anyways, he's not my cuppa either.
Janvier said…
If we were a single eligible straight bachelor we don't think we'll find that statement gay. Just probably gleeful at not being tied to any one woman nor having to support her financially :P
Twilight Man said…
I just asked my bunch of Malay staff and one bitched that it's an open fact long ago. William just woke up?
Gratitude said…
Tell you the juicy bits soon. ;)
William said…
Via MStar? Tak glamour!

Cannot be so obvious ma.

Haha. So your gaydar says no? You've met him in person ma.

You have heard stories?

Is he your cup of coffee?

Haha. Those aren't exactly 'hallmark' signs of gayness la... :P

I'm amazed that he has not bowed under pressure like our Angkasawan.

Aha. Even the Mak Minahs know! He is under my radar.

You've had him before?!
J said…
I LOVE THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Little Dove said…
As long as he's happy and keeps making good music. :)

p/s: There has been stories of him and a Tengku but that is his personal life and I wish him happiness in his life decisions.
William said…
You love him?

I don't think he's very active in the music scene anymore.
J said…
Just the entry William, just the entry...

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