All the Colours of the Pee

While doing #1 in the loo of my client's office, this is what I saw on the wall with the urinals...

a Urine Colour Chart! to help the staff know their hydration levels.

I don't know about their staff, but I find comparing the colour of my pee to a printed chart, midstream no less, to be quite a challenge! Wonder if that campaign caused an increase 'missed shots'. Or perhaps...

"Romzi, come look at my pee. You think it's a band 7?"


Pranny said…
mine is band 1.. or band 0.5 often.. William u wanna have a look ? :D
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
it's a reminder of ur health~ it's good wa
J said…
I would find it rather disconcerting... It would mean I'd have to constantly watch the colour of my pee... *raise eyebrows*
kidz said…
i have never seen band 8 from my ... before, it sure gives a lot of imagination to wat blader produces that.. =p
Legolas said…
Romzi = New imaginary friend in BSB.
Skyhawk said…
I wonder if the kidney is still functioning when it reached Band 7 and above....
Bravebear said…
band 4, 5 and 6 looks the same to me =.="
Matthew Gan said…
wow 7??!!!
William,u need to drink more water ady...
Jaded Jeremy said…
8 probably means kidney failure lor.
Twilight Man said…
Those who suffer from acute Jaundice will be #8..
May I flash you my urine sample since your office overlooks my home?
Pike-chan said…
I wonder how to compare... the middle bands looks almost the same...
Gratitude said…
any chart measuring the colour and texture of poo?
Danny said…
i think i am at 1 or 2 most of the time. cos i drank lots of water...:)
William said…
Haha. Sure, why not? XD

Haha. That one really gone case.

The Chinese believe that if your pee has a lot of bubbles, means you're heaty!

You would notice, unless you're the type who looks elsewhere while peeing.

When I had dengue, it came out the colour of Lipton tea. The doctor told me it was because of the breakdown of my patelets.

It's a valid name here.

Haha. I do not need imaginary friends!

No blood still OK kwa.

Perhaps its due to the photo quality.

That was a hypothetical conversation!

Must ask the doc.

I am no longer based in Taman Desa. :)

Wah... so kan cheong to compare meh.

That is also a good indicator. :)

That's good le!
Little Dove said…
Pee into a clear plastic bottle and then compare it to the pee chart!

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