Thien Thien Sienz

Thien Thien
Swiped from williamnyk.
Out of boredom, we arranged a free shuttle service to The Mall, Gadong on Saturday. Turns out that the hotel I'm staying in is managed by a huge real estate group that also owns The Mall and a string of other properties around town. Hence the free ride. My roommate and I were chauffered over in a cool black MPV with automatic doors. Didn't manage to catch the make and model though. The Mall is quite big really, but the location really leaves a lot to be desired. Located just beside the highway, but the exit is a giant roundabout that is really difficult for Bruneian drivers as they are really not gung-ho enough on the road. And you know what? To get into the shopping mall, one has to go through a small road that snakes around the Pasar Gadong (a food haven for all things cheap and loaded with hydrocarbons). To cut a long story short, we finished The Mall in just under forty five minutes. Arguably better retail space than in Yayasan, but still a far cry from being labeled decent. They do have Secret Recipe, Aussino, Guess, a Mac reseller and Giardano, but that's about it. The rest are Berjaya Times Square material interspersed with keripik and tudung stalls. Precious.

For lunch, we walked out and found a Thien Thien chicken rice branch there (turns out that there is a branch near my hotel too -_-"). Supposedly famous, but judging by the crowd, it should be. Their famous dish is steamed chicken rice. The meat has a good texture and actually has the taste of chicken (unlike those tasteless antibiotic and feed-gorged variety we usually get). Having nothing to do and our laptops heavy on our backs, we went to Coffee Bean. A cup of Today's Brew costs BND3.40. Much more expensive than back home. Ouch. Just sat there and surfed the net a bit. But I do plenty of that back home anyway. The only consolation was that I got to ogle at two twinks who ate at the dim sum restaurant nearby. Our driver arrived at 2:00pm to rescue us from that boring place... My weekends are pathetic! Mushrooming... mushrooming mushrooming...


Twilight Man said…
The chicken was not bathed properly that's why still smells! LOL... How come didn't check out their wet markets and go push trolley? LOL..
J said…
Berjaya Times Square gives me the creeps... I'd do MV Megamall any day!!!
Ry said…
lol? It has a Mac Reseller now?
Legolas said…
Is Thien Thien like 'everyday'?
Jaded Jeremy said…
The chicken looks delicious.
William said…
Beli sayur also no use... my kitchen is not fully-equipped.

It's been quite some time since I've been to BTS.

A bit lo. XD

Welcome. Plenty of iPhones in BSB.

Yes, 天天.


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