LRT Celebrities: Karaoke Kyaw

See the guy on the left? With the earphones? Not cute, right? Well, the reason I noticed was due to his beautiful voice. There I was in the train fiddling with my iPhone when I heard a very weird sound from the other side of the train. Sounded very much like a kid whining. I looked left. I looked right. (not trying to cross the street la). Yet I did not see any kids. Ignore it. Then the strange whining started again. Huh? The train was only half-full, but still I could not find the source of the sound. Then I looked straight ahead. Karaoke Kyaw was happily mumbling along to the song he was listening too. Myanmarese was my first guess. Pretty amazing, not much lip movement and he could throw his voice to one side of the train!

Do you ever put on your earphones in your office and start singing? My ex-colleague used to do it and boy it was quite a spectacle. A quiet office atmosphere suddenly punctuated with very jiwang (inspired by Savante) and off-key singing. Everyone would look over and the dear 'performer' would be oblivious to the attention. Usually, we could look at each other knowingly and smile. Then get back to work.



Danny said…
i always sing loud loud in my office... and my office is at my living ;p
Derek said…
Hidden ventriloquism skill?
- a L E x - said…
which is why i only sing when i shower :P
J said…
i used to always shake my head and give out a myriad of expressions when i do dat in de LRT...
Twilight Man said…
I always jiwang alone inside my car. When the traffic is jammed, my volume screams louder with tears!
kidz said…
ventriloquism? feels like a chim word...

will, what if some of these ppl actually reads ur blog.. dun wanna cross out the face or something? =p
Legolas said…
Will only sing in private. Don't use earphones to listen most of the time. I always have this thought of being mugged while I am listening to music.
Gratitude said…
The loofah is my mike ;)
nicky05 said…
Quite fun making a fool of yourself..haha
Mr.D said…
i only hum. does that count?
William said…
Haha. That's different! You can even sing naked!

Yeah le!

@-Alex-: @Grat:
What do you usually sing?

I would have stared and took your pic!

Haha. I've seen a Chinese girl sing with much gusto during a jam on OKR.

Haha. My bf very chim one ma. I used to XXX the eyes. But lazy. :P

Mugged? Banged by a car is more probable.

How often do you do that?

If its loud enough for other passengers to hear.

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