Clean Out Your Mouth!

You guys remember the toothbrush from my previous post? Well, that's just one of the many old tootbrushes I have in my bathroom. Once the bristles become too exhausted, I retire the toothbrush and give it a new life scrubbing stubborn stains from my sink. I put it all on the lower tier of the rack hanging on the wall. On the top tier, I have my current toothbrush and other body products. Why do I mention this? To know why, we'll have to rewind back to my trip back to KL from Singapore last month. I was super blur from the delayed flight. And while I was brushing my teeth, I was doing some deep thinking. So things kinda went on auto-pilot.

"Hmmm... how come my toothbrush so soft geh...? Spoil already?"

Then it hit me like a tonne of bricks. I had brushed using an old, dirty toothbrush! GOODNESS! I immediately rinsed my mouth over and over and over again. Then I proceeded to brush my teeth with lots of toothpaste.

"Aiyoh... God knows how many germs colonies I had ingested already. Too late."

I just went back to sleep ignoring that disgusting blunder. Well, at least it wasn't a toilet brush. I must have been fibbing too much of late. :D


simonlover said…
You shud have take a revenge on KH by kissing him lor!! -- Why? Just lor. Hehe
Bravebear said…
yucks.. I can imagine how gross...
Vincent~ said…
hahaha, i am surethere's nothing to it..
jz dun use listerin or something, its carcinogenic. =p random fact. =p
Twilight Man said…
Absentmindedness! Signs of age catching up on this lady who pushes cart at wet markets. LOL... Welcome onboard!
J said…
A toilet brush... I have a picture in my head and it ain't pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!

kidz said…
"I retire the toothbrush and give it a new life scrubbing stubborn stains from my sink"

surprisingly u and the island govrn here think alike.. they give old ppl "new life" too by "encouraging" them to continue working.. taking a lighter job scope and getting lesser pay (i.e. junk jobs like scrubbing toilet bowls.. )

u cud do well here william zhai.. start looking for opening!
Skyhawk said…
It's environmental friendly to recycle the toothbrush...but it shall be kept far from the new one.
Little Dove said…
Got rinse with mouthwash? ;p
nicky05 said…
Deep Thinking? thinking of who ah?..:P
Cheryl said…
i think main problem is must reorganize your things la.. nanti i salah lagi guna the cleanser
carpe diem said…
It will help build up your immune system!!!
Gratitude said…
I would've gargled a huge amount of listerine. Wait...I've done worse than that old toothbrush, and enjoyed it sumore ROFL!
William said…
He wasn't around le! But I always try to kiss him when I have something in my mouth!

@BBear: @Legs: @Anon:

OMG. I like to gargle with thymol when I get a scratchy throat!

Hahaha. I hope I don't end up one day wandering aimlessly at the OUG market.

That would have been a disaster!

Go green! You're still young le. It's like you terasa like that. :P

What to do? Small bathroom. Hehe.

No le.

Actually was thinking of my mum!

Only got O Fresh. But I did not use it.

Itu sebab you tak tanya... :P

Either that or turn me into a mutant!

In toilet cubicles right? :P

Jaded Jeremy said…
I also recycled my toothbrush that way. Once, Ban mistakenly used it to brush his teeath. Omg.
MrBunnyBan said…
Eh? I don't remember that. >.<
Jaded Jeremy said…
Ooops...I think it was my parent haha. Sorry Ban :)
Ameer Zachery said…
Imagine that with wrong toothpaste. Hahaha. I did once with shaving cream.
William said…
Your fault. :P

@JJ: @Ban:
JJ nyanyuk already... hehe

That isn't too bad la. Hehe. What does it taste like?
Ameer Zachery said…
Definitely not minty.. Hahaha..

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