Burn The Midnight Oil & Burn Yourself

Sleep is very important. Our battery is recharged during that period. With quality sleep, we emerge the next day refreshed and ready to face whatever shit the day has in store for us. Sometimes (OK la, most of the time), I will doze on the LRT to catch up on a little more rest. Even if I can't fall asleep, I would rest my eyes. Last Friday, I was awakened from my short nap by a thud. Macam jatuhnya sebii nangka busuk. An African student had collapsed like a log onto the floor. Just that nobody yelled "Timber!". As with all unexpected situations, the other passengers were shocked at what to do at first, but they jumped into action fairly quickly. A space was cleared for her and people started offering water and medicated oil. But she was still incoherent, shaking, crying and grunting in pain. The methyl salicilate had awakened her, so they propped her up. But as soon as they did that, she collapsed again on the seat. A Chinese auntie kept asking a Malay lady to apply pressure to the point above her lips, but the Malay lady did not really understand. As it was nearing Masjid Jamek, we decided to haul her off, but she was slipping away again. So I activated that pressure point and true enough, her eyes jolted open. With the help of several commuters, we helped her onto the platform, but she collapsed again.

A Chinese lady helped her make some calls to her friends while I went off to fetch the LRT staff. The staff were also at a lost at what to do. But I think they actually called the ambulance. When she had recovered a bit, we helped down the station to the LRT's staff lounge to wait for her friend to come. She admitted that she had not slept the night before preparing for an exam that morning. I bet she did not have a bite to eat too. She was definitely in no condition to take any exam on that day. Truth be told, is it worth it to deprive our bodies of sleep to prepare for something important the next day? Could we function well? In this case, she caused harm to her body and she ended up missing her exam altogether. Such a waste of effort. For nothing. I too should get enough rest. I read that lack of sleep raises oxytocin levels which in turn makes us fat!!! Noooooooo..... Sleep earlier, sleep earlier, sleep earlier...


Danny said…
gd job.. not sure if i still can think properly if m in that situation..
btw, i nvr burn any midnight oil.. baca buku is just not my thing...lol ;p
Twilight Man said…
Oh you are also a good sinseh besides pushing carts and singing! I might need you to picit my other pressure points too! LOL...

Yeah, we need to sleep enough to look beautiful. Hey, I remembered not having 5 hours total sleep in 3 days during final exams. I didn't pengsan wor... I thought she must be high on drugs..
Cheryl said…
wah no wonder i fat though i eat not much... rest earlier ya dear..

but DEAR really GENG. i never know all those point pressing. GOOD DEED!
Legolas said…
Just one night of no sleep and food and she fainted? Hard to believe actually, so I agree with Unnnnccllleeee Twilight.
Twilight Man said…
Adoi why Legoooooooolas always stretching my name nia? Pengsan la me!... kekekeke
Anonymous said…
So for those skinny twigs, they should sleep less in order to gain some weight? :P
nicky05 said…
HAHA..It would be lesser midnight phone call..:P
Vincent~ said…
wao... i guess she really push too much, btw u r quite pro a... pressure points and stuffs... -__-"
J said…
Ah.... the LRT dramas, how much i miss them....
Skyhawk said…
Glad to see the spirit of extending the helping hands...sometimes I just wonder ppl who stay in city are colder in nature...well done Will!
Little Dove said…
Pats on the back. Most of the time, I do what the student did. Fatigue has always been part of a medical student (and doctor's) life but regular exercise gives me to stamina to go on. Can teach me how to activate the pressure point?
Jaded Jeremy said…
So have you been a good boy? :)
Janvier said…
We've not ever got that far! She must not be used to late nights, and more food intake is a must if she wanted to stay up. Yay commuters to rescue!
- a L E x - said…
Thank god nothing happened to me during my spm days...

About the weight gain thingy, it's not working on me! I've not been getting enuf sleeps for the past years lol
Gratitude said…
Waseh you learnt the pressure points from the Kuchai Lama sinseh ka?

Neways, real proud of you fo helping the African chick. No pics ka?
Pike-chan said…
The pressure point? Maybe need to learn a lesson or two from you..
William said…
Just doing a civic duty. Thanks all.

Hahaha. Maybe you party all night le?

I don't sing! And later I simply press your pressure points maybe activate some bowel movements. :P
Not sure if she was high, but she was sweating profusely. I need more beauty sleep too. At least Leggie used uncle rather than grandma.

Haha. I think that's not entirely the problem. I forgot to tell you the pressure point for headaches... massage the part between your thumb and index finger.

Not everyone can tahan lack of sleep ma...

Haha. They should just eat more!

Hahahaha. KH calls at 11:30pm.

My mum taught me.

Hahaha. Always something interesting going on.

Many people lent a hand. They were worried as she was alone.

Hi! Welcome to my blog.

You're fit ma... and used to it. The point is at the philtrum. Keep pressure on that point when you feel faint.

No. :P

You're a nocturnal creature.

Eat more macarons!

Of course I did not stop to take pics! Haha.

Refer to my reply to LittleD.
plainjoe said…
Key to not sleeping is plenty of water,plenty of food and plenty of drive and optimism. Coffee works occasionally for me but it's always the adrenaline that keeps me going on.

But sleep is definitely crucial. Way to go, Mr. Samaritan!
fufu said…
i rarely burn midnight oil one...
Unknown said…
i used to stay awake for 48+ hours when camping. oh terkenang zaman muda muda...

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