BSB Revisited II: Lost My Train of Thought

Central Park
Swiped from williamnyk.
Slept quite well on my first night in Brunei, but for some reason missed KH more than usual. Must be the fact that I did not get to hear his voice over the phone. Sigh. Whispered his name to sleep while I imagined that he snuggled beside me under the sheets, keeping me warm. Had weird dreams about running around a German castle and having Japanese food. Bizarre. Woke up the next day feeling the effects of the air-conditioning. Pity my throat and my skin. Have to lather myself with rich body creams and not scrimp on my facial moisturiser. Breakfast was the usual lousy fare. On Monday, the requirements study session with my client started. Had to 'persuade' my colleague to do his job. I wonder which part of Business Analyst he does not understand. But once the ball got rolling, things were better. Thanks goodness the audience was reasonable and not too demanding.

Golden Leaf

The days have kinda rolled by and I've lost track of time, so I won't be giving a day by day account. It'll be very dry material anyway. I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate it. Kinda annoyed that Brunei gives me daily bad hair days. Nearly every morning my hair would be a mess. Going the wrong way and lacking volume. :(. The cheapest thing to eat here is apparently nasi katok for just BND1.00. However, I have not tried it. Chinese mixed rice with two vegetables and one meat (fish included) costs BND3.00. Haven't splurged on anything yet. Was supposed to spend BND30.00 on a DSTCom Easi prepaid sim pack, but can you believe that I have failed to find it till today? Everyone sells the reload cards, but not the starter pack. Preposterous.

To get my bearings, perhaps I'll just blog about the meals I will have in the following days. :D. But I always do that don't I?


Mr.D said…
chill chill, it gets better. :P
Little Dove said…
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Little Dove said…
You can write about KH. I'm sure your readers would love to read about your love story. I could never forget the way you describe your relationship with the use analogies. Like, "It just feels right. Like the way the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle clicks into place."
SynchingZincInc said…
Enough rest and moist. Take care

nicky05 said…
your "collection" might be..
- a L E x - said…
Food! You can always blog about it *_*

I agree with LittleDove too. Write abt KH too ;)
William said…
I hope so!

That analogy really got imprinted into your heart. :D. KH is now in KL, but I'm in BSB. Sigh.

Went out for a sweat just now. :D


Food is my solace. :D. Fat fat fat.
Twilight Man said…
Can you write about how exciting a place that is? So that I will add into my travel list. So how many series this Brunei post will run? Have funny Willie..!
savante said…
Nasi katok is pretty good actually. Make sure you go try some. Had some sushi yet?
Jaded Jeremy said…
Write about your 'love' for Citadel :P
Derek said…
Wah so much demand to write about me ... LOL

I also miss hearing your voice le. Miss knowing what you are doing, miss having you sleeping next to me.
William said…
I dunno. Depends on how much material I have to write about.

Not yet. I heard that there's a good sushi place in Gadong.

I <3 Citadel.

What should I write about?

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