Pre-YY: Preheat the Oven to 180

On Hari Malaysia, I boarded the Tiger Airways flight TR2465 from LCCT to Changi Budget Terminal. It was quite easy to find the check-in counter at LCCT because on the screen, nearly every entry was for Air Asia, just need to spot the odd one out. Had some coffee with SK before my flight. I wasn't happy with Tiger. Firstly, the seats felt even cheaper than Air Asia and JetStar. Second, arrival at the Budget Terminal was a lousy experience. Can you imagine that it was a jam right from tarmac up the ramp to immigration? It's like being stranded on a Carrefour travelator, except that there was no travelator! Luckily there were some surfer dudes for me to ogle at. KH ws waiting for me at the airport in tight-fitting blue shorts and a body-hugging orange T. I could have spotted him a mile away. Hehe. Gave him a big hug and we proceeded to his new rented place in Bishan.

Turns out that the new place wasn't as bad as he had described to me. The place had nice furniture and his room had more air. Issues with the floor and bathroom were just minor. I was quite amazed to find that the bathroom had a large zinc door that was a common sight in my childhood! KH was so happy to see me that we 'christened' his new room nearly immediately. Later that evening, I was scheduled to meet his office wife, ZW and her bestie who was back from UK, Jas. A dinner date it was, at Chijmes-- an old church converted into a collection of eateries that exude a very old school feel. The restaurant of choice was Japanese Dining Sun for its fusion Jap approach. Oh yeah, I was quite shocked to find that The Dim Sum Dollies had taken over PCK in the city state's public transport courtesy campaign. My jaw dropped when the train arrived. Do take a look at the YouTube clip to know what I mean.

Japanese Dining Sun

The interior of the restaurant is quite arty with the walls looking like it had been vandalized with a giant ink brush. KH ordered a lot of food. Started off with a rice paper wrap topped with ikura. Then came the rainbow roll, house salad, baked oysters in cheese and ham and amaebi sashimi. We closed with black sesame paste over beancurd and tiramisu. A superb dinner. It was nice to catch up with ZW after so long and get to know Jas. According to KH, Jas was expecting us to be more lovey-dovey! Perhaps she was expecting mouth to mouth feeding from us. LOL. Since KH paid for dinner, ZW picked up the tab for the after-dinner drinks. Made a stop at O' Gambinos. Ordered 1L of Mojito. It was served out of a giant glass (it looks mightly suspiciously like the Ikea glass vase in my home) and 4 super long straws. We had to stand up to drink confortably. Ended up bending the straws. Only after we had downed 50% did the waitress offer to cut the straws. :S.

Had fun cam-whoring and oogling at the young waiters. Wasn't quite enough to get us tipsy, but we called it a night anyway. Bumped into KH's boss at the taxi stand. Luckily I was sucking his face or something (quite impossible hor?). I seriously felt that the she looked and sounded like a pinoy though KH vehemently defedended her Chinese parentage. When we got home, we showered and combined our luggage into one. What a wonderful feeling having KH by my side again...



nicky05 said…
the meal look pretty exquisite.:)
Twilight Man said…
Oh you had sucha deliciousss fun trip. I love that old church venue with its variety of eatery outlets. I forgot the name of that joint in the valley but I remember the shocking bill that came over $200. Our orders didn't look so nice like yours.
- a L E x - said…
the jap food looks so yummy ;)
Shake Trees said…
sing dollar can reli make ur wallet sing away. :P
Legolas said…
Holiday is usually fun and exciting!
Skyhawk said…
Nothing is better that with the love one by side.
Danny said…
church convert to restaurant... interesting...
do they still ring the bell for opening n closing? lol ;p
William said…
Yes, I won't mind going back there. :P

There are quite many outlets there. Try to pay SGD400 next time. Sure nice. :P

*burp* :P

Not my wallet sing, so nvm. :P


Yearning makes the heart grow fonder. :)

Not sure about that! Haha
Pranny said…
Wow, the food looks so nice.. Price sure very nice also... 人间 GiG Ban
Tidbit said…
" ... we showered ... "

That was the sweetest bit ... kekeke
Ash Godiva said…
i hate that mrt sound...thankfully malaysia dont have that!
William said…
Gig Ban! LOL

It saves water and time!

Malaysia can't even handle a simple announcement.
Jaded Jeremy said…
So you like Sun, huh? It's pretty famous there. I quite like it there too, but can't go there often lah.
William said…
2 bulan sekali pun dah OK.
Derek said…
Haha ... glad you like the food. We always go for Japanese when you're down.
Pluboy2 said…
Train is coming.. train is coming..

love the cabaret :P

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