Phone Numbers

A little breather from my Jogjakarta posts in case you guys are overdosing on it. Takes ages for me to write and I'm sure ages for you to read (unless you're shrewd enough to skim). Glanced through my blog stats when I came across this keyword:

looking gay sex with contact number in puchong and kuchai lama area

Anyone care to give the poor fella a helping hand, or mouth or *dot dot dot*? But anyway, I can't believe that my blog actually appeared as one of the search results! Pening!


J said…
I skim.... definitely!!!

Hmmppphhh... so outward about sex... de poor guy...
Jason said…
lol. they hook you up for "business"
Mr.D said…
yes please. me. ahahaha
Little Dove said…
It's a sign from the heavens to help the sexually oppressed! ;p
carpe diem said…
Must be your lucid and detailed write up on what happened during your spore trip :P
Legolas said…
Hope the guy gets what he wanted.
Cheryl said…
asyik pelik pelik search je...
Twilight Man said…
Don't worry, grandma drinks skimmed milk only but reads your blogs lines, one by one and over again before comments. Why... William is sucha funny writer until blog appears in public loo.... LMAO!!!!
Shake Trees said…
u can disbale the public search in your blog setting.
Pranny said…
Some people are farney... Like how they try to google my armpit hair @@
Gratitude said…
That Puchong guy is very-de-quiet! lolz
Bravebear said…
That is an awfully long keyword to search...
William said…
Haha. I skim too. :P
Search, and you shall find!

Perhaps I have the keyword "pimp" in my blog.

You can publish your number here... for a fee. :P

Wah..... that's a noble cause!

Haha. Where got so many details?

If it increases traffic, I guess I don't mind. :P

That's a kind thought. :P


Google is wonderful.

You really read every line? Wah... I get you to proofread next time. :P.
Which public loo? Hahahahaha.

Takpelah. It's fun!


LOL. Pass to you?

Haha. It returns about 282 results.

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