Passion's Signature

咖喱鸡 = Curry chicken (noun)
种草莓 = To plant strawberries (verb)

When we first started out, I was quite blind with passion when in bed with KH. Maklumlah, newbie. In my heat, I gave KH a lovebite on his neck. He had a tough time hiding that from his mother and colleagues. And so, from that day on, we made a pact not to mark each other in bed. However, KH recently broke his promise and gave me lovebites during the Jogja trip! And it was already near the end of our trip. One above my navel and the other above my right nipple! I was mortified! (sorry, no pics!) So for the first few days I was back, I was very careful not to run around topless. Soon enough, the marks faded... but the memory stays. Hehe. I will have my revenge!


Cheryl said…
Lucky not reveal at home or else habis hang
Mr ET said…
Revenge shall be yours. Hahaha
Gratitude said…
Beau reads your blog, so I'm sure he'll make you wear a mouth guard ....... unless during that Kerja Tiup la!
Bravebear said…
lol... those can hide with yer clothes...
Shake Trees said…
when isit? ... waiting... :P
Anonymous said…
wuahaha, wondering how it feels to be bitten with one, haha
nicky05 said…
Dont just do on 1 side. Do both sides..:P
carpe diem said…
Why don't you put a poll up and let us vote where we want it stamped?
Little Dove said…
Maybe it's KH's sweet revenge for that previous neck lovebite. ;p
simonlover said…
Oh,so u walk around shirtless in ur hz?Hw cum ur mum din tease u why u're wearing clothes on for that few days?!! - Haha..Me & BF as well -- No lovebites on "open spaces"!
Jaded Jeremy said…
Aiyoh, either show pics or don't talk about it lah :P
MrBunnyBan said…
hehehe... is fun, no? Not too often though, it's no good for the skin. :P
William said…
At home that time, from red become yellow dy.

Hehehehehe. Vampire mode!

Mouth guard? Kinky!

I need to find my chance.

Ask Nicky help. :P

I will!

Hahaha. Where do YOU want it?

LOL. Perhaps. A bite for a bite and the whole world ....... ?

Only on hot days. Lovebites on your cute ass?

No imagination?

Improves blood circulation?
Unknown said…
"mosquitoes in indon si beh big and poisonous. mama you better watch out if you were to visit there."

[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot

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