Teletubby Tales

Swiped from RitchieBITCH

Have you ever watched "The Teletubbies"? Yes, the kids show that is in the same infernal league as Barney. Another butch of Dukes from Hell who have set up shop in children's TV. We have Dipsy, Laa-Laa, Po and Tinky-Winky. All of 'em have distinct dildos on their heads and a TV on their bellies that play reruns of B-grade movies all day long. Rumour has it, the purple Teletubby, Tinky-Winky is gay! Haha. But just look at this pic I found in DeviantArt! If ever Bravo took over from BBC, things would look like this. Quite cool. I would definitely watch the show. If you still dunno what the heck I am talking about, do wiki 'em here. Don't say I did not warn you.

P.S.: So,which DeviantArt Teletubby do you want to fuck?


Mr.D said…
that is just soooo disturbing to the max.

my cute teletubbies~~~ bohoo
fufu said…
huuh?? disgusting ><
cYiD said…
wonder what these tubbies would have done if they said 'Oo' :P
William said…
We all grow up. :P


A new dimension to sounds during sex. LOL.

You'd rather fuck a purple dinosaur?!
tenchunk said…
er.. I love them as well.
Jase said…
The green one looks like he's packing a big one already..
plainjoe said…
I hate teletubbies with a great passion! *cringe*
Ash Godiva said…
they look gayer than gay....

sesame street better

(Hi, first time commenting on your blog under this name. We have the same birthday :D)
Anonymous said…
huh, fufu ain't gay? disturbing!!!
Pike-chan said…
I wonder what's the alternative version of Barney then.
Unknown said…
they too grow with time? marvelous... no i dont watch teletubbies.

[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot
Bravebear said…
Tak pernah tengok tele tubs. Boring... But if is the ones in the pictures I might start following. LOL!
William said…
Asalkan cute, huh? :P

"Dipsy has a Woody"

Haha. They kept the kids that my mum were babysat years ago quiet. Made life much easier for me.

Bert and Ernie getting it on?

Remind me to wish you happy birthday in a couple of months. Haha.

I dunno le!

Should be even more disturbing.

Even Harry Potter grows up and plays with his wand!

What kids show can your generation identify with?
J said…
Teletubbies always gave me de creeps... Now dis takes being creepy to a whole new level...
William said…
Give Dipsy a chance!
J said…
Ok... I am so giving you the "terrified" look right now!!!

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